Srila Prabhupada: “I shall remain your personal guidance, physically present or not physically, as I am getting personal guidance from my guru maharaja.” He wrote this in a letter to his initiated disciples who had written to him expressing their concern for his illness, asking what would happen to themContinue Reading


This is a refutation to Maharaja’s comment on Facebook, the comment of Maharaja can be seen below. Basu Ghosh Das: Prabhupada: In the history of India there is no woman leader. Throughout Mahabharata you’ll find… Mahabharata is the greater history, history of greater India. Maha means “greater,” and bharata. SoContinue Reading


Jaya Srila Prabhupada! Now, after 100 episodes of Sravanam Diaries Podcast we can finally introduce ourselves ? Hare Krishna, I’m Sulalita Devi Dasi, I‘ve been practicing vaisnavism and Bhakti-yoga my whole life and always loved books, philosophy, creativity & arts. I’ve been reading Srila Prabhupada’s books from childhood, but theContinue Reading


“In which place Vaidehi, likewise you and I too can take delight, where the woodland is scenic and the water is pleasurable, and where a water lake, ritual-firewood, flowers, and the sacred grass are available in proximity, oh, Lakshmana, such a place may be searched out. [3-15-4, 5] In theContinue Reading
