Some Were Curious, Some Were Crazy! As the symptoms of Srila Prabhupada’s physical body began to impede on his ability to translate, all his disciples worldwide became more concerned about his longevity.    We had become so dependent on his guidance, inspiration, and Krishna Conscious nurturing that the thought of HisContinue Reading


In 19th and early 20th century America, the term “shotgun wedding” connoted a man being forced at gun point (usually by a shotgun) to marry a young woman. What typically occasioned the marriage was that the man got the girl pregnant and had no intention of marrying her, and consequentlyContinue Reading


I spent some of the best years of my life at Juhu as a servant of Shrila Prabhupada’s Mission. For it is the greatest joy to render service unto Lord Shri Krishna’s pure devotee. For that service is liberating, enlightening, enlivening, and always filled with divine bliss. And there atContinue Reading


Reliability We would like to believe that professional people are always reliable, competent and honest, but as we have just illustrated, neither the Genova Labs nor those behind the claim that Prabhupada was maliciously poisoned appear to be.  We have already identified numerous examples illustrating how the only thing holdingContinue Reading
