Over the last few years, some devotees have mistakenly thought that I am the one who has written elaborate articles attempting to show how the Vedas support a flat earth universe. The mistake is understandable considering the many years I have written articles about the Vedic “Science of the Soul”Continue Reading


On Sunday, May 20, 2018, a conference on Cow Culture was held at the India Community Center, Milpitas, California, which is located on the Northeastern side of the area that has become known as Silicon Valley. The conference was organized by the Om Sri Surabhi Campaign (California).  The campaign was launchedContinue Reading


“Of all kinds of suffering and bondage arising from various attachments, none is greater than the suffering and bondage arising from attachment to women and intimate contact with those attached to women.” (SB 11.14.30) Because the experience and urges of sex are so intense, and the syndrome of man/woman relationshipsContinue Reading


Thinking about the virtues and faults of this world, some moralistic monotheists concluded that this material world is not a place of unalloyed pleasures. Indeed, the sufferings outweigh the pleasures. They decided that the material world is a prison to punish the living entities. If there is punishment, then thereContinue Reading
