This video is an offering, by Param P. Tomanec, to the aspiration to restore a full peace, harmony and calmness in Northeast India and beyond, through a single art form called cinema with its unique ability amongst all the other art forms (literature, music, painting, sculpture) — to unifyContinue Reading

Srila Prabhupada in the Center

Srila Prabhupada says in his purport to Sri Caitanya-caritamrita Madhya-lila 20.352 that among the sources of knowledge dharma given by one’s guru, other saintly persons, and shaof stra, “the shastra is the center for all.” Yet it is seen in many sampradayas that the acharya is still very much central to the practice and faith of the devotees. So, if the actual center is the shastra, then what does it mean to a community to keep the acharya in the center? This question is discussed and answered in this video by Krishna Kirti dasa of the ISKCON India Scholars Board.Continue Reading


Dear Maharajas and Prabhus, ISKCON GBC members,  Members of ISKCON India Governing Bureau,  ISKCON India leaders International and Indian CPO officers,  ISKCON Minister of Education,  MEB and Co-Directors of ISKCON Mayapur, respected ISKCON leaders, and ISKCON community at large,  We hope you are all well.  Please accept our humble and respectful obeisances.  All glories to SrilaContinue Reading
