‘Vaishnava Dress’ Really Exists and ISKCON Devotees Must Wear It
Prabhupada: Why your dress is not as a sannyäs? Tusta Krsna: The robes make people uncomfortable, Prabhupada. They see you as different and can’t relate. They won’t relax enough to listen when I wear robes. Prabhupada: But sannyasis must dress in saffron with robes and shaved head. Tusta Krsna: IContinue Reading
We Send Out Our Soldiers to Fight with Maya
“There is no doubt about it, to distribute books is our most important activity. The temple is a place not for eating and sleeping, but as a base from which we send out our soldiers to fight with maya. Fight with maya means to drop thousand and millions of booksContinue Reading
At My Most Desperate Hour, Krsna Came into My Life
I had never before in my life even heard of Krsna or Hare Krsna, nor had I ever seen a Krsna devotee, probably, because there weren’t too many temples back in 1969–about 11 only. Anyway, this book I was reading, The Wisdom of God, turned out to be about KrsnaContinue Reading
The Genius of Srila Prabhupada
Chant Hare Krishna, perform what is yours and do not pretend to be who you are not. Srila Prabhupāda never manufactured anything by his own. He always declared – that He gives only what is said in Scriptures, As it Is. Those who try to represent Srila Prabhupada as aContinue Reading
Please Don’t Deceive Me
(An address by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur to his audience at the onset of their departure after a Krishna Conscious festival held at one of his temples.) All of you came with the intention to serve Kṛṣṇa, and on that basis I became attached to you. Yet now I seeContinue Reading
“Sri Vamsidasa Babaji” Glimpses into the Life of a Vaisnava Saint- A book by HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami.
Srimad Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.13) declares that devotees of the Lord even though situated in the material world are actually under the spiritual energy of the Lord and therefore not subject to material laws. Srimad Bhagavatam (SB 1.1.15) further extols the glories of pure devotees of the Lord and states inContinue Reading
Can society be moral without Varnasrama-dharma?
Over at American Greatness is this piece on recent revelations of child abuse in the Roman Catholic Church (bolding added): Even in a faith founded upon the notion that there is no such thing as an unforgivable sin, should the penitent be sincere, what has been occurring in the churchContinue Reading
All Pranams to our Beloved Prabhupada
Never make the mistake of thinking that Srila Prabhupada is like us, and is somehow influenced by the modes of nature. He lives with Krsna always, but to teach fools like me, he has kindly come down to the second level devotee stage simple to be able to preach forContinue Reading
Rarely checking for errors not the same as never checking for errors.
Regarding the editing of Srila Prabhupada’s books, Srila Prabhuapda rarely checking his own books for errors during his life time is not the same as never checking them–not even close. Let’s say that a book has an average of one error every ten pages. That means that if you openContinue Reading
Living in the Holy Name
For to achieve the state of „Living in the holy name“ on the Street is actually the moment when Harinam actually can be started. Then you belong to Harinam and Harinam belong to you. Harinam is not just 2 Lines for 1-2 hours, inbetween other “more important“ duties, when youContinue Reading