The excerpt below was translated from its original source, a news website in Brazilian Portuguese called Razões para Acreditar.

Verônica Monteiro, 23 years old, and Tatiane Alves, 25 years old, performed a beautiful wedding ceremony inside the Hare Krishna Movement in Taubaté (SP), one of the strands of Hinduism. Besides the fact that getting married is exciting, this was the first homosexual couple to get married within the movement here in Brazil!

“We married with the blessings of Krishna and the devotees. The only gay marriage within the movement was in Los Angeles, in 2009, and at that time it received many negative comments and now, 10 years later, we got married and could reinforce the idea that we are not this material body but eternal souls. Also, the 2009 wedding was not disclosed. I only came to know about it in 2017, when I started to research on this possibility” said Veronica.

The ceremony was held at the Bhakti Yoga House. They enlisted the help of devotees and parents to perform a beautiful ceremony!

“They didn’t have to help, but they wanted to and did it willingly. We are very grateful to all who helped us, devotees, parents, priest and Maharaj Chandramukha Swami, who is now my spiritual master and has given us his blessings” she said.

The except below was translated from its original source, an European Portuguese LGBT news website called dezanove.

Verônica Monteiro (23 years old) and Tatiane Alves (25 years old) were married in Brazil, according to the Hare Krishna rituals. It was the first time two women were married according to the principles of the movement, as informed by the couple’s testimony. The first and only known Hare Krishna marriage between two men took place in 2009 in Los Angeles.

“The wedding took place at the Bhakti Yoga House in Taubaté, in the state of São Paulo. We have no temple in Taubaté, the place where we hold the meetings is a devotee’s house. He uses the house as a law and accounting office, and as devotees are always ready to serve, he uses the place on Sundays to carry out the programs, with free yoga, kirtan (mantra chanting), spirituality chat, and finally a vegetarian and vegan meal. The devotees named the place as Bhakti Yoga House”, Veronica Monteiro tells dezanove.

“The movement does not discriminate against anyone, God does not discriminate against anyone. As a devotee named Abhiceta Dasa told me the first time I went to a meeting in Guarulhos: we are all spirit souls and not this material body”, continues Veronica Monteiro, who nonetheless admits that “some devotees have prejudice, a closed mind. And it happens in every religion, everywhere. We will always meet receptive people and others not so much, but if we don’t take the first step, we will forever stand still. When I saw the possibility, I started sending e-mails and messages to people who are advanced within the movement, including Maharaj Chandramukha Swami, a sannyasi, and ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) spiritual master who answered me with all kindness and attention. He sent me several audios explaining how the movement sees marriage and same-sex relationships, and he told me that ISKCON was not ready to receive the marriage, but as God’s blessings are important to any relationship, therefore, if we were sure about our feelings, then we should go to the Brahmin priest Rama Putra and talk about the ceremony”, she recalls.


Pictures of the ceremony are available at the dezanove news website. Click here.


Here follows some background on the authorities that were involved in the ceremony:

Hridayananda Dasa Goswami is currently serving as the GBC for Brazil, and he’s being assisted by Dhanvantari Swami as a co-GBC. ( source )

Read also: Hridayananda Dasa Goswami “appreciated my willingness”, says the ISKCON brahmana who performed a gay marriage ceremony

Chandramukha Swami: “In 1986, Chandramukha Swami embraced vows of renunciation (sannyasa) in the holy city of Mayapur, India, when he received the venerable title of Swami and became one of the leaders in Brazil ISKCON. Maharaj helped establish Vrajabhumi Ashram in Teresopolis, RJ. Maharaja is a writer and musician. He has authored over twenty books on yoga philosophy and spirituality. He has released eight CDs of mantras and meditation. Maharaja is famous for his ability to make the Vedic wisdom easily accessible to the lay public.” ( taken from the ISKCON Leaders webpage ).

Rama Putra Das: The brahmana who is seen performing the fire sacrifice on the header photo in the original article is Rama Putra Das, who’s currently a leader of the Nova Gokula farm community, the largest of the official projects of ISKCON Brazil. He’s a disciple of Hridayananda Dasa Goswami.

Questions and Answers

Answering questions from our readers:

Amara Das Wilhelm askedVery encouraging. There are actually many ISKCON devotees and priests who perform same-sex marriage ceremonies but always outside of the temple proper. I’m not sure what the Bhakti House is but I assume it is not the main ISKCON temple?

Bhakti Yoga House is not an ISKCON temple, but a place for a program that happens every fifteen days and is organized by an ISKCON devotee ( Narada Muni Das ). As far as we can tell, there is no other currently active program which is somehow connected with ISKCON in the same city ( Taubaté ).

Bhakti Yoga House has already been advertised on many occasions by the official page of ISKCON Brazil on Facebook. It also frequently receives ISKCON authorities as guest lecturers. Purushatraya Swami and Lokasaksi Dasa have already given lectures at Bhakti Yoga House, as it can be seen here  and here.

Read also: 

Brazilian ISKCON authorities respond to our post on gay marriage ceremony

ISKCON considers allowing official gay marriage ceremonies in Brazil

Brazilian ISKCON Authorities’ Response on Gay Marriage Disingenuous

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  1. I, Laura Dias, am the exclusive author and copyright holder of the photographs contained in this article. The reproduction, distribution, or use of these images by any third party without my explicit consent is strictly prohibited. Authorized use is granted solely to individuals depicted in the photographs. I hereby request that the photographs be removed from the article. Any unauthorized reproduction constitutes a violation of copyright law and may result in civil or criminal penalties, including the possibility of legal proceedings.

  2. Śrīla Prabhupāda: “The priests are after money. They are not first class; they are low-class men. This is the reason that Christianity has fallen down. The priests cannot speak straightforwardly. There is a straightforward commandment—“Thou shalt not kill.” But because people are already killing, the priests are afraid to present the commandment straightforwardly. Now they are even granting man-to-man marriage, what to speak of other things. The priests are sermonizing on this idea of man-to-man marriage. Just see how degraded they have become! Previously was there any conception like this, at least outside America? Nobody thought that a man could be married to another man. What is this? And the priests are supporting it. Do you know that? So what is their standard?”

  3. Community is supported. But supporting gay marriage is against the principles. …unless the couple are not going to have sex and completely will devote their life together in service. That’d be ok! But is it true for them? I doubt. For straight couples, the ISKCON standard for sex is that it should not be “carnal” and only valid if the spiritual goal of producing more “children” is fulfilled. Because they would later become devotees. Then it is allowed to have the fun or pleasure in between. However, without that goal, if you marry and have sex, then you are directly doing it only for pleasure.

    This is not allowed for anyone, regardless of straight or LGBTQ. That is equality. Now, at least with straight marriage, you can mask it. But with supporting gay marriages, ISKCON would have to support your desire to be sexually happy and close with your partner, without any spiritual goal. That’d be relaxing its standards! 🧐 😊

  4. The LGBTQ community should be supported and approved in ISKCON. They are a beautiful community and deserve equal rights, treatment and respect as all others.

    1. Community is supported. But supporting gay marriage is against the principles. …unless the couple are not going to have sex and completely will devote their life together in service. That’d be ok! But is it true for them? I doubt.
      For straight couples, the ISKCON standard for sex is that it should not be “carnal” and only valid if the spiritual goal of producing more “children” is fulfilled. Because they would later become devotees. Then it is allowed to have the fun or pleasure in between. However, without that goal, if you marry, and have sex, then you are directly doing it only for pleasure.

      This is not allowed for anyone, regardless of straight or LGBTQ. That is equality. Now, at least with straight marriage, you can mask it. But with gay marriage, how would you do it? Your desire to be sexually happy and close with your partner? Hmm? 🧐 😊

  5. It is great offense to srila prabhupad 4.rules and radhekrishna Bhagavadgita does not teaches this things

  6. I am definitely with this decision, as i am a gay and a iskcon follower from india, and only a gay person can understand this.

  7. THIS IS NUTS. Gay Marriages.

    1. Wrong. It is nuts, and hypocritical for a Hare Krishna devotee who preaches love, to be against other people’s happiness.

      1. Wrong. It’s not other people’s happiness. But desires.
        Promoting carnal desires is not supported in ISKCON, regardless of Gay or straight! No one is exception.

  8. People in general think that whole ISKCON is approving gay marriage and hence anti-Sanatan.

  9. *Are we against ISKCON?*

    But this is the title in public domain. I saw on facebook.

    Though the article *is* right, title is misleading.

    Again people will question us *the faithful followers of ISKCON* and not one who did it.

    I just wish *ISKCON* word should not be there in title. Otherwise it will counterproductive. *अपने ही पाँव पर कुल्हाड़ी मारना।*

    *This is also reason why I even don’t share any article of Hanuman prabhu, though he may be right, because sometime it acts like a boomerang & hurts our own ISKCON.*

    We & any other bona fide followers of ISKCON neither approve nor accept or recommend gay marriage.

    So, please, blame should not be on Prabhupada’s ISKCON or his faithful followers.

    Just think, if I share this article on my facebook page then my more that 1000 friends will start criticizing me, “how can you, the follower of Sanatan Dharma, be part of ISKCON which is anti-Sanatan?”

    1. Author

      How come the title is not appropriate? There’s undeniable direct involvement of one GBC member ( Hridayananda Dasa Goswami ) and at least one more ISKCON sannyasi ( Chandramukha Swami ). You may think that they’re not bona fide, but that won’t change the fact that they’re recognized as bona fide spiritual masters by the Governing Body of ISKCON. And as they’re acting as representatives of ISKCON, there’s no fault in putting the word “ISKCON” on the title of this article.

  10. Point is that if Krishna will accept such marriege… Acording sadhu shastra and guru will not accept. They can continue in relationship without marriage and not doing disturbances in society. In vedic times was homosexuality punishable. Practical aplication for now days is that its not punishable but no marrieges should be alowed. Krishna will not accept it anyway… Its just some bed karma… Anyway they should go thru vanaprastha life also, so then they will have chance for proper practissing…

  11. Which Prabhupada’s words are expected to end the discussion? In the letter to Lalitananda posted above there’s this quote, for example: “I do not know why you have taken to such abominable activities. What can I say?” How’s that supposed to stop any discussion? There’s also a much clearer instruction: “You should stop this homosex immediately” but I don’t think anyone ever was able to follow such orders, most probably starting with Lalitananda himself. It might stop the discussion but how would it change anyone’s behavior?

    In other words, we know homosexuality is demoniac but we don’t know what to do about devotees trapped in these demoniac bodies. How to make them keep chanting, keep reading, keep associating with others? Whatever the solution – this should be the result. “End of discussion” is not our goal at all.

  12. I think we should go back to what Sirla Prabhupada said about homosexuality. That should end the discussion right there shouldn’t it?

  13. When devotees are being condemned as degraded beings not knowing the scriptures it clears away three of the obstacles listed in the “janmaiśvarya-śruta-śrībhir” line (SB 1.8.26). Obstacles to what? To attaining the state of “akiñcana-gocaram”. What a blessing! Ironically, those who do offer them blessings are, in effect, helping them rebuild these walls around their hearts.

    Perhaps it would also help us to reflect on the meaning of aśrama in varṇāśrama. It shares the same root as āśrayā and, basically, means “shelter”. If we say that varṇāśrama has been instituted by the Lord it means there should be such shelter for everybody because He is the seed giving father for all forms of life. Shelter from what? From criticism by others or from irresistible urges of nature? And what is the goal of providing such shelter? To peacefully practice various limbs of devotional service, starting with śravaṇam-kīrtanam and then many many more enumerated in our scriptures. Has this been achieved? Is there any other practical way of achieving it?

    We don’t have “gay-gṛhastha” aśram so they probably shouldn’t liberally use the word “Vedic” and “marriage” here but if the goal is pleasing Viṣṇu then smārta like strictures can be neglected. Our goal is not to be pukka Vedic but “saṁsiddhir hari-toṣaṇam”. And if all around condemnation destroys our pride in the process – all the better.

    If, however, the “married” couple indulges in sex thinking that their particular form of attraction has been blessed then they are likely to disappear from view and it all has been for nothing – “śrama eva hi kevalam”.

    One of them has been ejected from her Catholic church for her homosexuality, perhaps we should also reflect on that.

  14. Can you give any vedic reference to support in Homosexual marriage?

  15. Kudos to the Vaisnavas who supported this blessing. On the other hand, the more vile comments in this thread reinforce my decision to migrate out of the formal society in the 1990s after 15 years of direct seva, due to witnessing the rise of fundamentalism, cultism, and even psychosis in the name of Srila Prabhupada. A substantial number of Prabhupada’s early disciples were gay– persons who were near and dear to him– and an even higher number of his early sannyasis were also. There are only two conclusions to reach over this fact: either SP was clueless (he wasn’t), or he was tolerant of that inherent inevitability and rewarded their devotional sincerity over their sexual orientation (be it active or suspended).

    Furthermore, to equate sexual orientation or committed same-gender relationships with sexual acts is simply offensive, and it speaks volumes about the mindset of the critic. It also ignores the long history of accommodation and occasional glorification of persons of the Tritiya Prakriti in Vedic culture and sastra, thus revealing ignorance in the critics as well.

    And FYI: the misinformed insult toward Srila Narayana Maharaj is nothing short of hati-mata. Good luck with your future progress…

  16. Thank you, Bhakta Wilfred, Noah Bodhi, Jaya Bhadra Dasi, Nanda Kumar Das, Sudarshan Das and Chandra Das, thank you for your sweetly expressed devotional words concerning this newly married couple and the kindness of those devotees who authorized and officiated at their solemn ceremony. I am sorry to read the hurtful writings of other people with a limited understanding of sexual orientation, which is in fact determined before birth. Condemning good devotees is not something that a wise devotee would engage in; I pray that they will reconsider their position and not cast aspersions on other devotees.

  17. All these “devout” devotees finding fault in others are doing so much harm to themselves. In a letter to Yamuna, Mukunda, and Syamasundara written from Los Angeles, Srila Prabhupada said this: “Fault-finding men will always be there, that is the history of the world, but one has to execute his prescribed duties.” I take that as a lesson. No matter what others do, we are not in any position to find fault in them unless we are free from error, and none of us are. For those judging others for living their lives and doing all they can do to live as good devotees, you should be careful as you might be paving your path toward hell.

  18. My Dear Lalitananda dasa,
    Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dat ed May 13rd, 1975 and have noted the contents. I am very sorry that you have taken to homosex. It will not help you advance in your attempt for spiritual life. In fact, it will only hamper your advancement. I do not know why you have taken to such abominable activities. What can I say? Anyway, try to render whatever service you can to Krishna. Even though you are in a very degraded condition Krishna, being pleased with your service attitude, can pick you up from your fallen state. You should stop this homosex immediately. It is illicit sex, otherwise, your chances of advancing in spiritual life are nil. Show Krishna you are serious, if you are.
    I hope this meets you in good health.
    Your ever well-wisher,
    A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami (letter May 26th, 1975)

  19. Corruption all this new gaymarriages, etc “new” things in Iskcon. Iskcon is such a polluted soup i will not like to touch,

  20. While I attended Bhaktivedenta College in Radhadesh from 2002-2006, I got the opportunity to do quite some research while attending the Contemporary Social Issues in ISKCON module. When it came to the assessment (exam), we were encouraged to pick our own topics for a presentation and for an essay. I chose to make a presentation on the potential hearing impairment that can result from attending very loud kirtan (without taking precautionary measures), while for my essay I researched how nonheterosexuality is viewed in ISKCON, particularly with reference to some of the severe comments that Srila Prabhupada had made on the topic. Although literally a couple of my dearest devotee friends are gay, this research deepened and matured my understanding of nonheterosexuality. While the essay itself is not a perfect sociological study by any stretch of the imagination, it was, for the most part, well received by many devotees whose conditioned sexual orientation is nonheterosexual. None of the straight devotees who read it complained either. The responses of the gay devotees to my survey questions were particularly respectful and insightful. If anyone is interested to in reading this eay, kindly contact me. In conclusion, I would like to mention one simple statement made by a saintly devotee whom I am honoured and privileged to know: love brings souls together; hate drives them apart.

    1. hare krishna

      all glories to srila prabhupada.

      i’m intetested to ready your stufy on mentioned subject. can you please inform me where is available. thank you

      hare krishna

    2. “some of the severe comments that Srila Prabhupada had made on the topic”
      Respected Jaya Bhadra mataji,
      Please kindly reconsider your statement about Srila Prabhupada’s “severe” comments once again. This is the very reason why exists!
      We cannot possibly judge the acarya and consider his teachings “severe” or qualify them in any way. Just like shastra, sometimes we can’t understand some parts of the Vedas but we accept them, we don’t judge them.
      yasya deve para bhaktir yatha deve tatha gurau
      tasyaite kathita hy arthah prakasante mahatmanah
      [SU 6.23]
      “To one who has staunch faith in the words of the spiritual master and the words of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the secret of success in Vedic knowledge is revealed.”
      Adi 12.8

  21. Bhakti House is not a ISKCON temple or even a ISKCON project. It is a place owned by a couple of devotees, a lawer and an accounter, who has weekely programs of hatha yoga class and talks in Krishna Consciousness held there. The programs are organized by a devotte called Narada Muni Dasa. My self and others older devotees was several times invited to preach there.
    This does not means that we agree with others speakers an activities that was done there.

    All glories to Srila Prabhupada
    your servant
    Lokasaksi Dasa

  22. Nanda Kumar states that he travelled with Srila Prabhupada for two years but he must have been sleeping for a good portion of this time or too dull headed to grasp the mood and intentions of such a grave master as to then write that he is not sure what Srila Prabhupada would say about gay marriage. It’s puzzling or maybe there’s some kind of disconnect here but to not know the teachings of your guru whom you consider yourself a disciple of is remarkably ignorant. I for one know exactly how Srila Prabhupada felt about the unification of gay couples and as much as he encouraged everyone to engage in the service of the Lord he never compromised his position nor that of the entire disciplic succession which he represented. He encouraged everyone to purify their hearts and perform devotional service but without watering down the process.

  23. In Srimad Bhagavatam we learn that one can discern the relationship of a devotee with Krishna by the fruits of their service–How many books have they written? How many temples have they opened? How many devotees have taken to Krishna’s service based on their preaching? Krishna empowers the devotee according to their love for Him. I recommend using this metric to discern who is actually close to Krishna and be hesitant to find fault with those sincerely striving for devotional service to Krishna, regardless of material designation, be that varna, ashrama, caste, color, creed, sexual orientation, gender, age, etc.

    1. Jaya Candra das, isso mesmo. Concordo contigo. Outro critério seria os gunas. Penso que temos o dever espiritual, moral, ético e humano de acolher toda alma sincera principalmente as que estejam no modo da bondade. A bondade é o trampolim para bondade pura. Quando um casal homoafetivo recebe as bençãos para uma união com certeza serão protegidos na senda de karma yoga rumo a bhakti pura.

  24. I’m very sad to see a bunch of fault finders swarming the comments here.

    It is not up to you- anyone- to point out the shortcomings of others. It seems to be YOUR BIGGEST fault , to think so.

    No matter how “elevated” you are please have compassion on the fallen , conditioned souls.

    Hare Krishna

    1. Great comment Noah Prabhu… I was blessed to travel with Srila Prabhupad for almost two years as His cook and personal servant, and got to see how He dealt with various matters on a daily basis. One day someone told His Divine Grace that I was faultfinding, and He approached me about it. I told him that my intent was to share something He had told us with others, with the intent to help rather than criticize of find fault. He told me something then that has helped me so much over the years to avoid the wicked kali yuga trap of faultfinding and creating separation instead of unity. He said… “If you are looking for faults, you can find them everywhere, even in Krishna. If you are looking for Krishna, you can find Him everywhere.” So simple and so sublime… the key to unity and Krishna consciousness.

      Regarding performing a same sex marriage in the temple in front of the Deities, I can understand both sides of the question, and don’t know what the answer is for sure. I know that I don’t judge anyone for their sexual preferences, and part of me goes along with the idea that it is alright, and at the same time, I know that whenever there was something that was super controversial like this, Srila Prabhupad would hold fast to the Vedic view of the topic, without judging or making anyone wrong. In this case, He may have said not to do it since it was such a grey area, but I know He would never judge anyone for being gay. Some of His most devoted servants were gay and He knew it, but He still allowed them to serve Him because their hearts were pure and their motives were clear… to serve their spiritual master. One last thought on the topic is that often I saw Srila Prabhupad tell someone that something was alright, just not in front of the Deities. He said that Deity worship and everything done in the temple had to be very strict, whereas if someone needed to do something different, they should take it out of the temple room. Talking is an example. Srila Prabhupad told me on numerous occasions to tell someone not to talk in front of the Deities. When their answer was something like “But I was talking about something to do with Krishna”, He would say… “If you need to talk, even about Krishna, or even about Deity worship in particular, you should take it outside the temple room. Deity worship, especially worshipping Radha and Krishna, is very strict, and if you make offenses in front of them, even inadvertently, you will have to suffer the effects of the offense.” When someone asked me to ask Him if they could worship Radha Krishna Deities in their home, I thought He would encourage them, but instead, He was adamant when He said… “The only way it is alright to worship Radha Krishna Deities in the home is if you can maintain the exact same standard as in the temple, with the same standard of punctuality and cleanliness, and the same standard and number of offerings and aratiks. If that cannot be done, you should worship Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga or Lord Jagannath, because They are very merciful and do not take offense when the standard is less.”

      Hope this helps the clarification of the topic. Hridayananda Maharaj is an old friend who I have known since He asked me to ask Srila Prabhupad if it would be alright for him to take sannyas. When I mentioned his request to Srila Prabhupad, He told me to ask him to come see Him. Very humbly, he told His Divine Grace about his desire to preach, and when He asked him about his wife at the time, Hridayananda Maharaj said they had discussed it, that she was in agreement, and as a good preacher and book distributor herself, she wanted to increase her sadhana through the process. Srila Prabhupad told him He would think about it and let him know, and just as Hridayananda Maharaj was getting up to leave, Syamasundar Prabhu came in the room and Srila Prabhupad immediately said to him… “Syamasundar, I’d like you to meet our newest sannyasi, Hridayananda Maharaj!”

      All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupad.

      1. Jaya Nanda Kumar Prabhu! Reverencias! Obrigado pela sua mensagem. Hare Krishna! O recorte que foi inserido em sua publicação eletrônica “Akincana Gocara” se referindo ao casamento Homoafetivo como sendo um ato oficial da ISKCON é fake news. Meu nome é Rama Putra das, sou um membro da ISKCON ativo desde 1984 e em meu nome particular com liberdade de pensamento e expressão executei a cerimonia de bençãos para as devotas Verônica e Tatiana. A cerimonia aconteceu em um espaço privado, que não é da ISKCON cujos proprietários utilizam para serviço da ISKCON. Solicito por favor, que inclua minha resposta junto com sua publicação para que o nome da ISKCON Brasil não fique maculada e sua publicação seja vinculada com a devida veracidade. Grato. Hare Krishna!

  25. ‘we got married and could reinforce the idea that we are not this material body but eternal souls.’ This statement epitomizes the sahajiya mentality in ISKCON. I’m not this body therefore I can abandon culture(va dharma) and have illicit sex openly. I can be a free women/free homosexual.

  26. By the Scary Replies of So called devotees ”saying this is Wonderful” What Other PROOF do you need to see Iskcons in DEEP Spiritual TROUBLE NOW -NOT OK–In Deep KALIS GRIP—$$$–Mundane Yoga,,Motivitional Speaking Nonsense Spreading by Devotee in INDIA,,,Hinduized Iskcon for $$$,,,Mundane Charity Work,,( Mission Drifts ),NOW ISKCONS IN A DISEASED CONDITION—Goiing- …OFF THE CLIFF….. -> GBC BODY WHERE ARE YOU ? <-

    1. Caros editores! Hare Krishna! O recorte que foi inserido em sua publicação eletrônica “Akincana Gocara” se referindo ao casamento Homoafetivo como sendo um ato oficial da ISKCON é fake news. Meu nome é Rama Putra das, sou um membro da ISKCON ativo desde 1984 e em meu nome particular com liberdade de pensamento e expressão executei a cerimonia de bençãos para as devotas Verônica e Tatiana. A cerimonia aconteceu em um espaço privado, que não é da ISKCON cujos proprietários utilizam para serviço da ISKCON. Solicito por favor, que inclua minha resposta junto com sua publicação para que o nome da ISKCON Brasil não fique maculada e sua publicação seja vinculada com a devida veracidade. Grato. Hare Krishna!

      1. Então o movimento Krishna west tambem não deve se apresentar como parte da ISKCON.

  27. What would Srila Prabhupada do?
    Srila Prabhupada always did what his spiritual master told him and followed the examples of our Guru Parampara beginning with Lord Krsna/ But…. since ’78 when the sinister element took over ISKCON, it’s no surprise to read this article especially in HDG zone where most disgusted devotees in Brazil all left to Narayana Maharaja. Narayana Maharaja is a Sahajiya as HDG.
    Blind leading the Blind.

    Satyam, truthfulness, means that facts should be presented as they are for the benefit of others. Facts should not be misrepresented. According to social conventions, it is said that one can speak the truth only when it is palatable to others. But that is not truthfulness.

  28. What nonsense. Completely contrary to Srila Prabhupada.

    1. Chandra Das
      4 de agosto de 2019 às 18h44
      No Srimad Bhagavatam, aprendemos que podemos discernir o relacionamento de um devoto com Krishna pelos frutos de seu serviço – Quantos livros eles escreveram? Quantos templos eles abriram? Quantos devotos tomaram o serviço de Krishna com base em sua pregação? Krishna capacita o devoto de acordo com seu amor por ele. Eu recomendo usar essa métrica para discernir quem está realmente próximo de Krishna e hesitar em encontrar falhas naquelas que se esforçam sinceramente pelo serviço devocional a Krishna, independentemente da designação material, seja varna, ashrama, casta, cor, credo, orientação sexual, gênero , idade, etc.

      Rama Putra Das
      5 de agosto de 2019 às 02:31
      Seu comentário aguarda moderação.

      Jaya Candra das, isso mesmo. Concordo contigo. Outro critério seria os gunas. Penso que temos o dever espiritual, moral, ético e humano de toda a alma, principalmente quando estão no modo da bondade. A bondade é o trampolim para bondade pura. Quando um casal homoafetivo recebe como bençãos para uma união com certeza são protegidos na senda de karma yoga rumo a bhakti pura.

  29. Ah very happy for those two souls. Unified now in the cause of serving Krishna and Radharani. Haribol!

  30. So, is Lord Gauranga’s mercy limited? Is the spiritual master’s mercy, that is supposed to be like sunshine, available for everyone, dependant on who you choose to love? It’s 2019. ISKCON is increasingly irrelevant. Should we care only about the heterosexuals out of the very few who come to this Society?

    1. I agree Prabhu. ISKCON can quickly go by way the of the Catholic Church, in which many are living because the Church refuses to evolve as our society does.

      1. Catholic church goes by waste side because it is a pedophilia sanctuary not a spiritual organization

  31. Very encouraging. There are actually many ISKCON devotees and priests who perform same-sex marriage ceremonies but always outside of the temple proper. I’m not sure what the Bhakti House is but I assume it is not the main ISKCON temple?

    1. Author

      I have updated the post with an answer to your question.

    2. This whole same sex Marrige Done By ISKCON Devotees- is DEMONIC,,,,In or Out of the Temple–IT Dosent Matter,,Its done By Iskcon Devotees,,This is Hellish and a SLAP in the Face to HDG Srila Prabhupada..–GBC BODY WHERE ARE YOU TO – STOP THIS UTTER DEMONIC NONSENSE ?????? Devotees Now Have a Chioce –BE SILENT–and Support the Collaspe of HDG Srila Prabhupadas -Pure-Intended Vedic Iskcon -OR RAISE HOLY HELL !!!! PROTEST !!!

    3. In or out of ISKCON it doesn’t really matter, if the devotees are sincere in supporting their survive to Krsna. I wish every devotee in the movement understood that. Hopefully someday.

  32. So what does rtt

    So what does this mean, that same sex partners are allowed to have illicit sex?

    1. You’re very mistaken to think that heterosexual devotee couples don’t engage in illicit sex on occasion . Human nature is human nature. You are dwindling down love and support between two devotees to a basic act that all of us can control. Remember we are all fallen spirit soul just trying to get back home.

  33. Sheer Satanism has crept into ISKCON from with the Trojan horse of liberalism.
    Hridayananda and his abominable associates are nothing but puppets of the devil.

  34. It is interesting. Today is my birthday. I have been an outspoken critic of Hrdyananda’s siddhanta without using ad hominem or personal attacks.

    1. I’m glad you’ve withheld your criticism of Hriyadananda Goswami. He is a devout devotee, no matter your personal view of him, and you wouldn’t want to offend Krsna. HG may not be the optimal devotee in your eyes, but he might be representative of the evolution of our movement. Our movement needs to progress with the times.

      But more to the point, if we are to believe and understand that we’re all spirit souls, including LGBTQ people, and as devotees, capable of following the 4 regs, also including, living in humility, tolerance, compassion, and austerity there should be no problem.

      Straight or gay couples marry for the same reasons. It’s more than sex. And if you believe that straight couples don’t engage in sex outside of procreation, I’d advise you’d think again.

      Like most devotees gay people marry to happily support each other to serve Krsna. How can that be a bad thing?

      1. You are a moron and asura hiding behind lofty words.

        I do not want to be associated with such degraded people like you and those you defend.

      2. LGBTQ ppl are mostly pedophiles!!!

      3. PAMHO! AGTSP!!

        The devotees of ISKCON have to follow the 4 regulative principles. Homo sexuality is not other than illicit sex.

        Can you give any Vedic reference to support Homosexuality?


        Ratan Chakraborty

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