Biased Justice - finger on scale to obtain a desired verdict.

There were faults in AV’s behavior that were admitted by AV in his reply and acknowledged by the CPO. This was sufficient for any consideration of punishment for him. The other allegations made based on contested or specious evidence should be given up or rejected. Otherwise, the CPO’s credibility becomes doubtful, and because it’s doubtful it’s also doubtful on the offenses we agree on. Hence, it taints the entire case against AV and future cases against others.Continue Reading

(C), 2017

Are the methods of modern psychology and sociology compatible with Krishna consciousness? If you believe in one, can you believe in the other? And in the context of child protection, a field which relies on these two scientific fields, why do these questions matter? This article, first posted at the ISKCON India Scholars Board, addresses these questions.Continue Reading
