I just listened to one podcast of this devotee Nama Rasa Prabhu, he invited some ladies to discuss women in ISKCON, the poster said “Not this body”. It was an interesting discussion for me, for I am also a mataji. It was very thought-provoking. Why do we ever get hurtContinue Reading
The Kali-Yuga
The Himalayas stood serene and immovable. The world below them basked in glory. “It won’t be like this much longer,” Lomasa Rsi warned them. “It’s coming soon, the KaliYuga. The Celestials will disappear from our vision. In the KaliYuga, the splendour of the earth will shrivel up. Virtue will beContinue Reading
Leading Through Cow Culture
Envisioning the Future with Cow Culture – Panel DiscussionContinue Reading
Preaching According to Time, Place, and Circumstance without Adhikara is Trouble
The thing I want to point out is that having done this at this one part of this one book [Sri Krishna Samhita], Bhaktivinode Thakura never does it again. Shukavak admits that to me. It was a one-time thing. And later on in his many songs, Bhaktivinode Thakura has manyContinue Reading
REJECTED! (Emergence of Women’s Voices in ISKCON)
Dear Respected Vaishnavas/i, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. This is an open affirmation on the rejection of the book entitled ‘The Emergence of Women’s Voices in ISKCON’ launched on the 22nd August 2020 by ISKCON Vaishnavi Ministry. Serving this as a strong proclaim that ideologiesContinue Reading
Female Diksha Guru — Some Considerations
There is a definite “push” for a female diksha guru in ISKCON that is the proverbial “elephant in the room”, as the title of the recent article on Dandavats.com by Devaki Mataji alluded to. The eagerness of a section of devotees to see a female blessed as diksha guru inContinue Reading
The following is a record of the live chatting session that I had with the volunteers of the “islamreligion.com” website. Chatting session starts: You are now chatting with ‘Zia’ Zia: Hello. Welcome to our live chat. Zia: How can I assist you today? Nitai: I want to ask some questionsContinue Reading