The SAC’s mistake is just like quoting the Vedic injunction that the stool of an animal is impure and then using inference to say that because a cow is an animal, its stool is also impure. Shastra is quoted, but the conclusion itself is still based on inference, not shastra. This is a mistake, however, because there is also a Vedic injunction that says that the stool of a cow is pure. The SAC made the same kind of mistake when they created their overarching principle.Continue Reading


Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura, in his commentary on this verse, gives the following scriptural information about the symbolic markings on the lotus feet of Kṛṣṇa: “In the following verses the Skanda Purāṇa states the particular places on His feet where Kṛṣṇa carries the mark of the flag and also other marks, andContinue Reading


SB 7.11.28: A chaste woman should not be greedy, but satisfied in all circumstances. She must be very expert in handling household affairs and should be fully conversant with religious principles. She should speak pleasingly and truthfully and should be very careful and always clean and pure. Thus a chaste woman should engageContinue Reading


The Syllabus copy of Cambridge attached below in pdf and ISKCON relevant sections are given below. 4.2 New Religious Movements Content • Two new movements within Hinduism, including origins, practices and key teachings of these new movements: – International society for Krishna consciousness (ISKCON) Practices of ISKCON including: – bhaktiContinue Reading


कोरोना के इस संकट काल में गौड़ीय_वैष्णवों का क्या कर्तव्य है? क्या उन्हें भारी मात्रा में भोजन वितरण करना चाहिए? क्या उन्हें #Hospitals खोलने चाहियें? क्या कोरोना आपदा ख़त्म करने के लिए भक्तों को नृसिंह यज्ञ या संकीर्तन करना चाहिए?? क्या मानव सेवा ही माधव सेवा है? कोई कुछ बोल क्योंContinue Reading
