
Who is Bona Fide Spiritual Master?

Any person who seriously desires real happiness must seek a bona fide spiritual master and take shelter of him by…

5 years ago

Krsna’s Enmity And Friendship Are External Features

We should always remember the distinction between spiritual and material. That which is material is infected by material qualities, but…

5 years ago

Dhruva Maharaja got Pancaratriki Diksa

Dhruva-Mahārāja was initiated at the age of 5-years by Nārada-muni. It is interesting to ask which type of dīkṣā did…

5 years ago

Who Are Brāhmaṇas And What Are Their Qualifications?

The Vedas are My(Lord Himself) eternal transcendental sound incarnation. Therefore the Vedas are śabda-brahma. In this world, the brāhmaṇas thoroughly…

5 years ago

Eight symptoms of a jivan-mukta, a person who is already liberated

This is the way of Vedic life. One must stop the process of repeated birth and death and return home,…

5 years ago

When Vedas are Misinterpreted

Religious zealots force twisted interpretations to suit their selfish propaganda A religious zealot, famed for his so-called knowledge of the Vedas, quotes Yajur Veda (32.3)…

5 years ago

Is Violence Always Sinful?

War and bloodshed can become a glorious act if done under divine guidance. aho bata mahat papam kartum vyavasita vayam…

5 years ago


People are running around--"Oh, I am the manager. I am the factory owner. I am this. I am that. We…

5 years ago

Vidyabhusana Project Update: Vedanta-syamantaka Gloss Discovered

It was a great joy and a surprise even to myself to find a manuscript with the gloss of Srila…

6 years ago

Why is Lord Krsna not directly present within the material world

We like to be in company of good, nice and friendly people where we feel comfortable and pleasant, but we…

12 years ago