The science is settled. You don’t want to be a science-denier, do you? In the paper, published online by University of Southampton and due to be published in the journal Psychological Science, researchers note that Buddhism’s teachings that a meditation practice helps overcome the ego conflicts with U.S. psychologist William James’sContinue Reading


Born in Manhattan in 1902 to a pharmacist and a housewife, Berg played baseball at Barringer High School in Newark, NJ. He graduated from Princeton with a degree in classical and romance languages and became notorious for practicing Sanskrit from behind home plate. Michael Kaplan, “This baseball player was secretlyContinue Reading


It looks like psychotherapy doesn’t help people all that much. When it comes to America, we must notice, as I have often said, that far too much American therapy is of the touchy feely variety. Patients are induced to get in touch with their feelings and to feel their feelings.Continue Reading


The American Psyhciatric Association has produced this position statement about “Same Sex Unions” (gay / lesbian marriage): “The American Psychiatric Association supports the legal recognition of same sex unions and their associated legal rights, benefits, and responsibilities.“Action Item: Position Statement Proposed by APA Committee on Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Issues Position Statement on SameContinue Reading
