Poison issue

Where is the Poison? c/o Dhira Govinda Prabhu & Mayesvara Dasa (Part -6)

If you want to read this paper from starting please click on the below links:

Clinging To the Abhorrible / Further Questions for Dhira Govinda

Part Title Page in PDF
6.1 Dhira Govinda “FEELS” Complete! – November 26, 2021 1
6.2 It Is Not About YOUR Feelings c/o mayesvara dasa (Dec 2021) 2
6.3 We Both Agree: It is Important to Resolve P-Con 2
6.4 Wounded Souls Is Right Term for Those Deceived By the P-Con 4
6.5 Quitting Prematurely? 7
Next Part “True Friends Will Not Sell Us Short” -Dhira Govinda Prabhu 8


KEYS: For origin of comments in this dialogue.
Black = mayesvara dasa commentary
Sky Blue = Scriptural & other documented evidence.
Small Dark Blue = URL links to supportive external sources
Green = Dhira Govinda & other P-Con propaganda (Like: Kill Guru Become Guru (KGBG))

Highlights of Part-6:

  • “The fact that you spent so much time critiquing just the title of my book strikes me as a dis-tractive attempt to discredit the whole book.” Actually, I shared those comments, in the first paragraph of my letter, to support you to be aware that the way you handled the title/subti-tle(s), may, for some readers, move them to diminish their estimation of your written work. So, I offered those comments for your consideration, for your possible benefit, so that you write in a way that is more likely, from my perspective, to be perceived with higher credi-bility by more readers.
  • “I am open to speak with anyone who would like to persuade me that an existing investiga-tive report on the matter suitably addresses this topic. If convinced I will withdraw my participation in the November 14th Commission. Till then, I am committed to work with the Commission members to ensure that an honorable and professional investigation is con-ducted.” Dhira Govinda Comments From KGBG p.108
  • I have spent a lot of time writing you long personal letters because you have repeatedly indicated a commitment to know the truth about the events surrounding Srila Prabhupada’s disappearance. But my motive goes beyond that because you are not just another devotee, you are an extremely talented individ-ual who has so much to offer. Yet what I am discovering is that you seem to have become bewildered and fallen victim to all the mean-spirited P-Con propaganda. The evidence I have presented in DECEP-TION comes from a methodical unbiased investigation I conducted with other honorable professionals yet you reject that to prop up the contemptuous blather of Nico? My ongoing motive in writing this letter is based on the hope that your reasoning skills will prevail, but so far there is little evidence of that. Doing so will remove the chains that keep you from becoming a tremendous asset in

To read Part-6 in full kindly see the attached pdf:

DGWhere Is Poison Pt6


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