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Cadmium Poisoning Symptoms Fraud

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(@mayesvara dasa)
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Challenge from The Book: DECEPTION

Available From:

Chapter 11: Why so much PCON DECEPTION?

11.1 Incompetence or Deceit?  

11.1.5 Eg.5: Symptoms of Cadmium Poisoning?

The T-Com dedicate a whole chapter of 9 pages on what they refer to as the “mystery symptoms.”   They claim: “…these unusual symptoms not easily associated with diabetes type II (but are cadmium poisoning symptoms):-KGBG 256  then audaciously challenge their audience how can there be any error here?

“Srila Prabhupada displayed a set of unique medical symptoms which cannot be easily attributed to anything except the heavy metals poisoning which is proven .  These “mystery” symptoms support the fact of cadmium poisoning, so how can there be any error here?” -KGBG 685

All of Chapter 38 “The Mystery Symptoms” (KGBG 256) is dedicated to convincing us that there are nine symptoms unique to cadmium poisoning which are not related to diabetes or kidney disease.  The PCON-Movie directors apparently feel this information is so compelling they included it in their movie:  The Crime of the Millennia (COTM) but cut the list down to just four symptoms.

”…there was a distinct group of symptoms that Srila Prabhupada exhibited that not typical to either diabetes or kidney disease, but are unique to cadmium poisoning.  These are the so-called ‘Mystery Symptoms’ described in Chapter 38” -COTM 7:05”

…Four of the primary mystery symptoms are: -COFTM 7:27

  • Extreme photophobia or aversion to light this is why Srila Prabhpada was wearing sunglasses and had the light turned off in his room. -COTM 7:30
  • Constant & Heavy Mucus. -COTM 7:42
  • Constant heavy cough and hoarse voice-COTM 7:49
  • Constant Bronchitis and Rhinitis”  -COTM 7:54

The section called Insidious Photophobia Deception thoroughly exposes how the T-Com simply made up the claim that photophobia is a symptom of cadmium poisoning.  The reader can decide if that is due to incompetence or deceit but either way it simply is not true and with that the first “Mystery Symptom” evaporates away.

The three remaining symptoms we are told come from consuming cadmium are 1) Heavy Mucus, 2) Cough & Horse Voice 3) Bronchitis & Rhinitis

A quick check with Wikipedia informs us that Rhinitis means an inflammation of the mucus membranes and bronchitis also causes mucus and coughing.

Rhinitis is an inflammation of mucus membrane.[1]  

Bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi(large and medium-sized airways) in the lungs.  Symptoms include coughing up mucus, wheezing, shortness of breath,[2]

Are the PCON-Doctors so incompetent to suggest that a runny nose, mucus, wheezing, and a cough are unique to cadmium poisoning alone?  With that type of reasoning anyone who blows their nose, coughs, and has a hoarse voice is suffering from cadmium poisoning.   Fortunately, real doctors recognize those symptoms to be a sign of influenza which thousands of people suffer from all the time.

“Cough, nasal, congestion (mucus), sore throat, hoarseness…”[3]


[1] Rhinitis,

[2] Bronchitis,

[3] Influenza,

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(@Tina Kirner aka Pancali devi dasi)
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Hare Krsna. I offer my respectful obeisances at the lotus Feet of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. Mayesvara das. What is your motivation behind all this and please provide solid evidence that Srila Prabhupada was not administered cadmium via the hands of 3 of His disciples. Why is it that you chose to ignore Prabhupada's own words in regards to someone poisoning Him? That should be enough to convince anyone but yet so many of you in your ignorance choose to think of Prabhupada as an ordinary little jiva like the rest of us. This is why the GBC have ignored His instructions on so many levels, why we see a whole heap of conditioned souls acting as diksa gurus, why we see the BBT printing edited books, and why the whole ISKCON Society has become an apasampradaya. If you really want to know the truth that can not be disputed then have faith in our Founding Father's own words instead of thinking that He did not know what He was talking about. Prabhupada's Body was poisoned. His Body was murdered all for want of profit, adoration and distinction....I was going to stay away from this but I am happy to play your game and prove without a doubt that Prabhupada's Body was murdered by envious snakes....Kill guru, become guru...


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(@Tina Kirner aka Pancali devi dasi)
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Hare Krsna. I offer my respectful obeisances at the lotus Feet of His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. Mayesvara das. What is your motivation behind all this and please provide solid evidence that Srila Prabhupada was not administered cadmium via the hands of 3 of His disciples. Why is it that you chose to ignore Prabhupada's own words in regards to someone poisoning Him? That should be enough to convince anyone but yet so many of you in your ignorance choose to think of Prabhupada as an ordinary little jiva like the rest of us. This is why the GBC have ignored His instructions on so many levels, why we see a whole heap of conditioned souls acting as diksa gurus, why we see the BBT printing edited books, and why the whole ISKCON Society has become an apasampradaya. If you really want to know the truth that can not be disputed then have faith in our Founding Father's own words instead of thinking that He did not know what He was talking about. Prabhupada's Body was poisoned. His Body was murdered all for want of profit, adoration and distinction....I was going to stay away from this but I am happy to play your game and prove without a doubt that Prabhupada's Body was murdered by envious snakes....Kill guru, become guru...


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(@Mayesvara dasa)
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I have provided a 500-page book  DECEPTION, that presents convincing evidence demonstrating how it was not possible for anyone to poison Srila Prabhupada the way the PCON rumor has suggested.   If you are incapable of reading that book then at least watch the movie and respond to the points that are being made.

Video version of the book DECEPTION: (55.34 minutes)

 So far the only thing you have said that is relevant to this investigation is:

" Why is it that you chose to ignore Prabhupada's own words in regards to someone poisoning Him?"  

This reflects how poorly informed you are.   This point has been very thoroughly analyzed in DECEPTION Section  7.2.3 HDG Note 2: RtViks Agree.  NOT Said!

A portion of that section confirms that even those who promote the PCON admit "Srila Prabhupada never said they have poisoned me"


"The agenda driven T-Com needs everyone to accept their contrived embellishments on what Srila Prabhupada said to keep their ruse alive. 

Yet here we discover something quite revealing.  The T-Com admits that His Divine Grace, did not say he was being poisoned and they just made that quote up!

He never said, ‘.... They have poisoned me.’ It is we (investigating)(1) with facts(2) and hindsight who see it as a cabal at work.(3)” -JFY 70

 (1) Those who are investigating are the reliably incompetent agenda driven T-Com

 (2) Not very many facts involved here but a whole lot of bitterness, resentment, suspicion, speculation, contempt, anger, and hurt etc.

 (3) You look for what you want to find and if it is not there you just make it up!  (atmavan manyate jagat)

The PCON-Authors apparently feel they are such first class spiritually pure devotees they alone are particularly empowered to help the rest of us impure, gullible, less intelligent neophytes properly understand what His Divine Grace intended to communicate."


The rest of what you wrote is just an emotional download about how you feel about the GBC and how much you envy those who are giving initiation.  You are free to have whatever contemptuous feeling you want for the Vaishnava devotees of the lord although our acharyas say such haughty aparada is not advised.  However, this blog is intended for a coherent exchange to explore the merits of the poison rumor.  If you prefer to live in a prejudicially distorted world view, this is not the place to post those delusions.  


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