Podcast Video – Responses to Tough Questions, Difficult Answers
Podcast video link : (7) Ep. #28 | Responses to Tough Questions, Difficult Answers | feat. Krishna-kirti das – YouTubeContinue Reading
Podcast video link : (7) Ep. #28 | Responses to Tough Questions, Difficult Answers | feat. Krishna-kirti das – YouTubeContinue Reading
She took the oath of office in the name of Srila Abhaycharanaravinda Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada [Founder-Acharya of ISKCON], and the oath was administered by Sriman Partha Sakha Das ( Dr. Prakash Ramautar) on 14th August 2023 at Paramaribo in Suriname (a country on the Northern Coast of South America, whereContinue Reading
Holding festivals for thousands of people six evenings a week takes its toll.Because I could see some of the devotees’ energy was flagging and because ofthe unusually cold and rainy weather, I started to consider the option ofcanceling some of the events on our annual Festival of India tour inContinue Reading
Dear disciples and well wishers of HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja Please accept our humble obeisancesAll glories to Srila PrabhupadaAll glories to Guru and Gauranga Guru Maharaja continues to be in Rela Institute, Chennai, Since last night he has been a little less responsive to commands and feeling extremely weak. DoctorsContinue Reading
Promoting WOKE Irresponsibly One of the most critical flaws in the RtVik paradigm is that it does not accommodate any means for correction when the disciple takes a wrong turn on their devotional path. They cannot explain how the spiritual master will be able to successful discipline his disciple ifContinue Reading
When Krsna with His sixteen thousand wives went to Hastinapura, soDraupadi… It is natural between woman and woman, they talk about theirhusband. That is natural. So Draupadi was inquiring from each and every wifeof Krsna. Not all of them; it is not possible, sixteen thousand. At leastthe principal queens, beginningContinue Reading
In a comment on Kaunteya’s book elsewhere, I mentioned “distance” but I think it deserves a little more attention. The book is almost 700 pages long and the title is not settled yet. Originally it was “Racism Sexism & Homophobia in Srila Prabhupada’s Teachings?” but now he changed it toContinue Reading
The Mahatma – HH Kadamba Kanana Swami – has left this material world, a few hours ago.He was “a friend”. We met many times over the past four decades that I knew him. We worked in different spheres. He was at Mayapur and Vrindavan, at the beginning of his “devotionalContinue Reading
Kaunteya Das wrote: Recently, Sarva-drik Prabhu wrote: “One small request . . . Best to keep the discussion civil. Savaging the opposition (although ultimately we are all on the same side) with inflammatory name calling as “deviant, half-baked, pseudo-Vedic, neo-Smarta,” etc. isn’t helpful.” In private, a very senior Srila Prabhupada discipleContinue Reading