“Did Śrīla Prabhupāda Want Women Dīkṣā-gurus? Eye of the storm,” a book by Kaunteya Dāsa (project coordinator) has indeed created a storm in the Vaiṣṇava community ever since it was published back in 2013. This book claims to be the first of its kind to compile all the viewpoints onContinue Reading


I just heard this beautiful, standing ovation presentation by Sivarama Maharaja on vaisnavi diksha gurus and wanted to present few additional perspectives to the already brilliant on its own speech he gave. I’d not get into this, as Maharaja said “it’s a distraction” and it’s more of a distraction whenContinue Reading


A detailed philosophical discourse is given on the topic ‘if a female can become the Diksha Guru’ by Pandit Sesagiri Rao of Mysore belongs to Madhva sampradaya. He produced the Madhava Sampradaya sidhantik points and core philosophical reasons to understand why a female can’t become the Diksha Guru.  He explains the philopshyContinue Reading


Please Scroll down for English translation. Original Talk in Hindi and English mix. पूजनीय विश्वेश्वरा तीर्थ स्वामी जी ने इस वीडियो में ‘क्या स्त्री दीक्षा गुरु बन सकती है’? इस पर प्रकाश डाला है यह लेख इस वीडियो में उनके कहे गए विचारो को लिखित रूप में यंहा प्रस्तुत करताContinue Reading
