Krishna-kirti Dasa

The Poison Conspiracy Antidote – Chapter 3 – Whatever It Takes!

Raw Hubris Regardless of how much the Truth Team squawks about wanting everyone to “…honestly present all the evidence and…

7 years ago

The Poison Conspiracy Antidote – Chapter 2 – The Visa-Virya Bijam

All Aboard!  Poison Conspiracy! The vile idea that Srila Prabhupada was poisoned by his top disciples became the acorn which…

7 years ago

The Poison Conspiracy Antidote – Chapter 1 – Why This Now?

Millennial Controversies Just prior to the turn of the century, there was an upheaval of controversy that had never before…

7 years ago

The Poison Conspiracy Antidote – Preface

Preface Those who have been disturbed by the allegations that His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami might have been poisoned…

7 years ago

The Poison Conspiracy Antidote – Cover

The Poison Conspiracy Antidote Visa-Virya Bijam visa-virya—highly potent poison; bijam – seed Exposing the real poison of fraudulent poison allegations.…

7 years ago