Whereas, the ICC has taken cognizance of the new course on “Hermeneutics” that the GBC SAC (shastra advisory committee) has introduced and is soliciting students for from amongst ISKCON devotees worldwide,
Whereas, we find that the course is a smokescreen for teaching and encouraging interpretation of Srila Prabhupada’s purports, with the aim of contradicting them to suit modern Western liberal concepts of egalitarianism and gender equality,
Whereas, we find this is offensive to Srila Prabhupada and unacceptable in the movement where Srila Prabhupada’s teachings are incontrovertible, being the guidance for the movement and the world for the next ten thousand years,
Therefore, the ICC calls upon the GBC to seriously consider the damage that is being done by this course that is clearly undermining the concept that Srila Prabhupada’s purports are divinely inspired and therefore must not be changed to suit some external ideology.