Although in his fifties, Rajahamsa Dasa, a member of Bhaktivedanta Institute, Mumbai and Berkley, regularly goes out to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books. This August, I saw him at ISKCON Belgaum. He would pick up books at 2 pm, load them on the carrier of a bicycle, and ride to theContinue Reading


As Gita Marathon is approaching us a very short story related to book distribution. I was distributing books at a university when I motioned for a student to come to my table. He came over, and I began explaining some of Krsna’s teachings in the Bhagavad-gita. He didn’t show much interest.Continue Reading


We are pleased to announce the official release of the new and improved TOVP App on the Android and Apple platforms. While certain aspects are still being refined and new features added, this App far exceeds the capabilities and functions of the previous one. The App was created by HisContinue Reading


Sometimes we are criticized because although I am a sannyāsī I have taken part in the marriage ceremonies of my disciples. It must be explained, however, that since we have started a Kṛṣṇa conscious society and since a human society must also have ideal marriages, to correctly establish an ideal society weContinue Reading


All glories to Syamananda, the deliverer of the universe! May he favor me with the ability to sing his glories. Thus, Rasika and his companions crossed the river without damaging any of their possessions. As Prabhu was walking, his feet began to bleed. Although his companions asked him to restContinue Reading
