Kolkata News in Hindi | Patrika Hindi News | Vanita Jharkhandi| Updated: 22 Aug 2019, 03:07:24 PM (IST)

[Translation from Hindi] Mayapura: On Wednesday, the head office of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) in a press conference said that an institution of Agra, Midnapur, is raising money in the name of ISKCON. Even though the organization has no relationship with ISKCON, it is collecting donations for the occasion of Janmashtami while claiming to be associated with ISKCON.

In the press conference Jagadhartiya Das from the Mayapura head office, while strongly condemning the incident, said that Tuesday night it came to be known that in Agra, Midnapur, one institution by the name of Prabhupad Ashram, endeavored to collect money from people for Janmashtami. Legal action will be taken against them. He said that no such organization is connected with ISKCON, and neither has ISKCON authorized anyone to collect funds. It was found that for the last few days that this organization has been collecting donations by calling itself a part of ISKCON.

He pleaded that no one should give donations to this organization. They are giving a respected institution like ISKCON a bad name. For protecting common people from being mislead, the ISKCON institution is taking this matter very seriously. ISKCON media spokesman Subrat Das also appealed to the government to take strong action against the institution.

Click here for original article in Hindi.

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  1. “They are giving a respected institution like ISKCON a bad name”- Iskcon is itself giving itself a bad name also. It is no longer the movement that Srila Prabhupada established and has deviated quite drastically from his directions and instructions. Many many devotees know this to be a fact. Hare Krishna.

  2. That must be Adra ( Midnapore, West Bengal ) and not Agra . ( which, of course, is in Uttar Pradesh ). I presume they mean Jagad dhattri prabhu of Mayapur.

  3. “They are giving a respected institution like ISKCON a bad name”- Iskcon is itself giving itself a bad name also. It is no longer the movement that Srila Prabhupada established and has deviated quite drastically from his directions and instructions. Many many devotees know this to be a fact. Hare Krishna.

  4. That must be Adra ( Midnapore, West Bengal ) and not Agra . ( which, of course, is in Uttar Pradesh ). I presume they mean Jagad dhattri prabhu of Mayapur.

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