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About the Language of Mayapur Community Sevakaas and the Croatian Yatra

Basically we have an organization where the brahamanas live in fear of speaking the Absolute Truth. Bravo!


Mayapur Community Sevakas…

AG-Editor’s purport: “6. If in an unfortunate situation of the Mataji deciding to get married to her disciple after becoming a Diksha Guru, ISKCON will become a laughing stock!” This was a good point. There’s an old lecture by HH Bhaktividya Purna Swami Maharaja, he makes the same point. As with the Croatian yatra’s mild opposition this too is worded very softly and is not arriving at the point. Sounds like a memo from a powerless civil services department of a government to that nation’s almighty legislative body. But they seem to have done their duty with whatever was in their powers to do. Basically we have an organization where the brahamanas live in fear of speaking the Absolute Truth. Bravo!

Croatian yatra…

[AG-Editor’s purport: their attempt is laudable given the fact that mid level iskcon management people are under pressure from all sides. There is not a clear NO in their words. Tried to keep is neutral. They have everyone’s gratitude for going there atleast. “The goal of this petition is to emphasize the need for thorough investigation and dialogue about the issue including devotees from both sides” – I don’t know why they wrote this…there’s nothing to discuss on the FDG matter. The culture of vaishnavism i.e., VADharma says no. Loud mouth arrogant persons(mostly it’s females) of a western i.e., non-Vedic mentality shouldn’t be entertained in any dharmic discussion. A no is a no. Any number protestation of abused people’s(females who’ve taken diksha in iskcon) shouldn’t cause for a vaishnava or an honest man to modify the tenants of Varnasharama Dharma or the Vaishnava Siddhanta – this is how a devotee should talk and not this – round about talk. But they have done what they could and that’s a start and is appreciated by all sadhu.]

One of the worst arguments for supporting Female Diksha Guru given by dandavats siddhanta manager Praghosha Prabhu

This article here

AG-Editor’s Comments: Yes, he really said that! You’d think that we the people at AG are so desperately hating women that we are making this up. This is not so. This one is real – there are people on ISKCON’s “left wing” who have come up with this. There are senior leaders/GBCs etc in iskcon, well, at least one, Praghoshji, who has come up with the worst and most laughable argument to date in iskcon on the whole FDG topic. If you thought that the “we are not the body” argument is bad, wait till you’ve seen this one. Checkered Flag! He took it!
Apart from that: Many important facts – technical information about the nature of diskha and what Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati said about this, etc comes up – this is an important read.
Oh yes, it is the same Praghosh Das who gets to decide what articles go up on GBC’s official website and he in in charge of scrutinizing/understanding what comment/article is following the teachings of the brahmanas, the previous vaishnava acharyas and Srila Prabhupada…well, that explains a lot. An extremely well written essay. I couldn’t be happier having it on this website.]  

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