
The Secrets of a Successful Vedic Marriage

The following is an excerpt from the second part of the interview with Indira Sakhi Devi Dasi (Indira Meshram –…

4 years ago

Please, Make My Dream Come True-Help BOYS to Work

Hare Krishna! Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Shrila Prabhupada. My name is Hasti Gopala dasa. Since 3…

5 years ago

Varņāśrama-dharma for Overcoming Sex Desire

A few years after Srila Prabhupada's establishing of ISKCON, it became apparent that many of his disciples, despite having practiced…

5 years ago

Varņāśrama-dharma (the Perfect Institution) Must Be Based On Krsna Consciousness

As a complete social system, Varņāśrama-dharma not only assists in sensual control but also offers a comprehensive solution for modern…

5 years ago

Devotees Need Varņāśrama-dharma

Although devotional service is transcendental, most devotees are not fully on the transcendental stage and therefore require to practice varņāśrama-dharma.…

5 years ago

“Varņāśrama-dharma Is External” Is It?

Śri Caitanya Mahäprabhu's famous statement that varņāśrama- dharma is external (eho bāhya)[A] should be understood contextually, especially considering that sästra…

5 years ago

Śrila Prabhupāda Wanted to Introduce Divine Varņāśrama-dharma

In discussing varnāśrama-dharma, it is most important to clearly distinguish between the original, divine method (dajva. varņāśrama) and its present…

5 years ago

Traditional Societies and the Dharmic Culture of India

Traditional societies are based on religious ethics, on the understanding that what we do today affects our future, even beyond…

5 years ago

Teaching Women Taekwondo and Giving Them Pepper-Spray is Not Empowerment

The following is an excerpt from an interview with Indira Meshram (Indira Sakhi Devi Dasi)  the author of a newly…

5 years ago

A Success and Happiness Guide for Modern Women

Bhakti Vikas Trust has recently published a new book titled “How I Achieved Real Success – A Happiness Guide for…

5 years ago