A graduate of Krsna conscious schools tells why she chooses to wear the traditional Vedic dress. WHY DO THEY cover their heads?” the small Catholic girl asked of the nun holding her hand. The girl was unabashedly pointing at me across the room of the glass blower’s cabin at colonialContinue Reading


[UPDATE 12:30 GMT] Breaking news: The GBC has approved female diksa-gurus for areas self-determined by regional governing bodies. This means that the devotees responsible for ISKCON in a given geographic area will be able to say whether they will allow women to act as diksa-guru (mantropadesh guru) within their zone. The measure passed by only two votes, and there were two abstentions. 29 members of the GBC were present for the vote. Before the measure becomes official, it will be voted on by the SABHA and then will need to be vetted by ISKCON’s legal office before becoming final. The measure is expected to pass.Continue Reading


Through bhakti-yoga we can finally reunite with the person we’ve wanted all along. A lecture given on December 12, 2000, at 26 Second Avenue in New York City, ISKCON’s first temple. WE’LL READ TONIGHT from the Sixth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, which discusses dhyana-yoga, or meditative yoga. Texts 13-14 say: “One should hold one’s body, neck, and head erectContinue Reading
