
Seeking Vaisnava Association

One of the major fears and concerns that most of us hear about, especially in the past 10 years, is…

4 years ago

Is the SAC’s definition of their Overarching Principle too narrow?

This video explains how the ISKCON GBC's Shatric Advisory Council gave too narrow a definition for the evidence cited in…

4 years ago

The Symbolic Markings on the Lotus Feet of Krsna and the Reasons for these Marks

Śrīla Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura, in his commentary on this verse, gives the following scriptural information about the symbolic markings on…

4 years ago

BHAKTIVEDANTA BHAGAVATA GROUP is inviting you to a Weekly Sunday Program

BHAKTIVEDANTA BHAGAVATA GROUP is inviting you to a Weekly Sunday Program. ?Topic: Part 1- Shri Chaitanya Shikashtakam. (Teachings of Lord…

4 years ago


The article "ISKCON Deviants - the new East India Company systematic undermining of Krishna's Vedic culture", published on November 20, 2019,…

4 years ago

Brahmanda Ghat Parikrama | HG Deena Bandhu Das | Karttika 2020

Come with HG Deena Bandhu Prabhu on location to Brahmanda Ghat, the place in Gokula where Krishna showed the universe…

4 years ago

Prabhandam4000.in: a website for Vaishnavas who cannot read Tamil

The translation and commentary have been reviewed and appreciated by eminent Vaishnava scholars. With their blessings, the author desires to…

4 years ago

For ICC & IIAC 2019, Ahmedabad

For ICC & IIAC 2019, Ahmedabad New Arrivals: ========== A Refutation to Kaunteya Prabhu’s “Women Diksa-guru” Book, A Summary Book…

4 years ago

Yogi govt starts issuing press releases in Sanskrit, 2 senior officials to watch initiative

Lucknow: working on Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s directions, the Uttar Pradesh government has now begun sending out its press releases…

4 years ago

Female Diksha Guru by Pandit Sesagiri Rao of Mysore from Madhva sampradaya.

A detailed philosophical discourse is given on the topic 'if a female can become the Diksha Guru' by Pandit Sesagiri…

4 years ago