
“Sri Vamsidasa Babaji” Glimpses into the Life of a Vaisnava Saint- A book by HH Bhakti Vikasa Swami.

Srimad Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.13) declares that devotees of the Lord even though situated in the material world are actually under…

7 years ago

Can society be moral without Varnasrama-dharma?

Over at American Greatness is this piece on recent revelations of child abuse in the Roman Catholic Church (bolding added):…

7 years ago

All Pranams to our Beloved Prabhupada

Never make the mistake of thinking that Srila Prabhupada is like us, and is somehow influenced by the modes of…

7 years ago

Rarely checking for errors not the same as never checking for errors.

Regarding the editing of Srila Prabhupada’s books, Srila Prabhuapda rarely checking his own books for errors during his life time…

7 years ago

Living in the Holy Name

For to achieve the state of „Living in the holy name“ on the Street is actually the moment when Harinam…

7 years ago

Understanding that Srila Prabhupada is not an Ordinary Man

In some small circles it is becoming an alarming trend in ISKCON to subtly minimize our beloved spiritual master. This…

7 years ago

To be Sadhvis

Both of my dear “daughters” – young wives of my sons – Irina and Prema – did have birthdays in…

7 years ago

Where is the Difficulty?

About practice Some may say, that: “It is difficult to apply the laws of Manu in today’s world since the…

7 years ago

Some Humble Thoughts on Our Beloved Srila Prabhupada….

Try to understand what happens when someone surrenders to Krsna. The modes of nature disappear. Srila Prabhupada is not in…

7 years ago

Don’t Make a Joint Mess of our ISKCON Temples!

If you make a joint mess, if you go and collect something and then eat and sleep, then everything will…

7 years ago