
Did India land on the moon?

The recent news of India's successful mission to send a machine to the moon has ignited a wave of patriotic…

2 years ago

Chandrayan 3 landing on Moon – A Krishna devotee’s Perspective

Author : Radheshyam das, , ISKCON, Pune, Dated 25th AUGUST 2023 Can man travel to higher planets by mechanistic…

2 years ago

The Authority of Sadachara

Krishna Kirti das explains the basis of the authority of sad-achara (exemplary behavior), and why it's necessary in order to…

2 years ago

The Vedic culture of visiting the Pilgrimages

After visiting Raṅgakṣetra, Lord Balarāma gradually proceeded toward Madurai, commonly known as the Mathurā of southern India. After visiting this…

2 years ago

A Letter to Prime Minister : Early marriage for girls- the other perspective

To, The Prime Minister, Government of India, New Delhi. From, Rama Aprameya dasa (Rakesh Joshi) 39, Guruprasad nagar, Belgaum Sub:…

3 years ago

Book Summary – The Secret of the Fifth Canto by Mayesa dasa ACBSP

Summary of the book The 5th Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam provides us arc measurements. On earth, latitude is measured in…

3 years ago

Why Save One Boat & Drown the Other

While our little Sravanam Diaries podcast was on a break, a hiatus so to speak, I've observed a very interesting…

3 years ago

Defending Vedic Tradition for Survival of Hindu Dharma by Stephen Knapp

If you did not see this the first time it came around, This is a video talk I did for…

3 years ago

What is going on inside OCHS?

The Oxford Center for Hindu Studies (OCHS) is a non-profit education center started by a devotee in 1997 and is…

4 years ago