
GBC Pauses Vaishnavi Diksa Gurus, Again

At its November 2, 2022 meeting, the Governing Body Commission (GBC) of ISKCON resolved to again put a moratorium on…

2 years ago

Part- 2, The Socratic Method Exposes P-Con Fraud Series

The following text refers to an Illustrated Socratic chart which you can see by clicking on its title provided here…

2 years ago

Letter to the SABHA regarding Anirdesya Vapu dasa

Respected members of the SABHA, Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! My name is Mangalavati Citra devi…

2 years ago

There once was a stree who gave diksha . . .

There once was a stree who gave diksha But wouldn't give men any shiksha. With shyness she said To the…

2 years ago

Is the scientific basis of the CPO compatible with Krishna Consciousness?

Are the methods of modern psychology and sociology compatible with Krishna consciousness? If you believe in one, can you believe…

2 years ago

Anirdesya Vapu Dasa: Apology and Comments on CPO Decision

I would like to start by offering my sincere apologies to all the Vaishnava devotees of the Lord… as I…

2 years ago

Sivaram Swami: A Clarification

A month ago I composed a letter to the GBC and ICPO with the purpose of pointing out ISKCON’s responsibility…

2 years ago

Part- 1, The Socratic Method Exposes P-Con Fraud Series

The following text refers to an Illustrated Socratic chart which you can see by clicking on its title provided here…

2 years ago

IISB Challenges the SAC to a Śāstrārtha and Reply

From: Krishna Kirti Das <> Date: Sun, Aug 7, 2022 at 9:01 PM Subject: A formal challenge to the SAC for a…

3 years ago

“Women Protecting other Women is Totally Made up” – A Letter to GBC

Dear members of the GBC, Dear members of the GBC, Please accept our humble obeisance’s. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. We have…

3 years ago