For to achieve the state of „Living in the holy name“ on the Street is actually the moment when Harinam actually can be started. Then you belong to Harinam and Harinam belong to you. Harinam is not just 2 Lines for 1-2 hours, inbetween other “more important“ duties, when youContinue Reading


Both of my dear “daughters” – young wives of my sons – Irina and Prema – did have birthdays in the beginning of July. There is some thoughts on this occasion. Somehow happened that Vaisnavi Ministry of our dear movement did not associate themselves nor with to be chaste wives,Continue Reading


About practice Some may say, that: “It is difficult to apply the laws of Manu in today’s world since the conditions that exist now are very different from those when they were formally codified.” But it’s not really true – even if some laws we may not be able toContinue Reading


What follows below is a Brazilian Portuguese translation of an article written by Murari Das that has already been published here. O CGB, corpo governamental da ISKCON Brasil, recentemente publicou um comunicado dizendo aos devotos para que não compartilhassem ou discutissem os conteúdos do livro Mothers and Masters ( anteriormenteContinue Reading


The CGB, ISKCON Brazil’s governing body, recently published a statement telling devotees not to share or discuss contents of the book Mothers and Masters (formerly; Women: Mothers or Masters?) on devotee social media sites. This is the statement:   Given that a series of misogynous publications have recently appeared onContinue Reading
