Padmanayana Krsna Dasa

Srila Prabhupada: You are Trying to Avoid God. Now See How we are Preaching God

ISKCON Los Angeles, New Dvārakā, the Western world headquarters, was burgeoning with many Kṛṣṇa conscious projects. Book distribution was booming.…

4 years ago

Certain Demoniac Sections are Disregarding the System of Varṇasrama-Dharma

Śrīla Rāmānujācārya writes in his book Vedārtha-saṅgraha: evaṁ-vidha-parābhakti-svarūpa-jñāna-viśeṣasyotpādakaḥ pūrvoktāharahar upacīyamāna-jñāna-pūrvaka-karmānugṛhīta-bhakti-yoga eva; yathoktaṁ bhagavatā parāśareṇa — varṇāśrameti. nikhila-jagad-uddhāraṇāyāvanitale ’vatīrṇaṁ para-brahma-bhūtaḥ puruṣottamaḥ svayam etad…

4 years ago

Hare Krishna Movie Watch FREE for a Limited Time Only

View FREE! for a limited time only* HARE KRISHNA! The Mantra, the Movement and the Swami who started it all…

4 years ago

Q/A with Srila Prabhupada on Sarnagati (Surrender)?

Govinda dāsī raised her hand. “Prabhupāda,” she asked, “what does it mean exactly to surrender?”   “Surrender,” Prabhupāda replied, “is…

4 years ago

Srila Prabhupada Lila: SP want to go to Krsnaloka for Laddus and Kacauris

One day, while Prabhupāda was sitting in his room receiving his massage, he began talking and laughing. As he sat…

4 years ago

Bhukti and Mukti are Only by Product of Devotional Service

One who becomes a devotee, free from material desires and motives, regards all opportunities, both material and spiritual, as benedictions…

4 years ago

Preaching by Moonlike Devotees

Danavira: I'm in charge of the New Bhakta program in Los Angeles, and yesterday one boy called up the temple,…

5 years ago

ISKCON India (Bureau) Executive Committee Letter on the Issue of COVID-19

Dear Maharaja and Prabhus, Dandavat Pranams. Jaya Srila Prabhupada. Please find below the letter from Bureau EC on the issue…

5 years ago

Sri Srivasa Pandita Appearance Day

asyaartho vivrtas tair yah sa sankshipyaa vilikhyate bhakta-rupo gaurachandro yato ‘sau nandanandanah bhakta-swarupo nityanando vraje yah sri-halayudhah bhaktaavatara acaryo ‘dvaito…

5 years ago

Coronavirus – Whole World is now following Ancient Eternal Advance Scientific Way of Greeting

Thank you Corona whole world is Now Following World's oldest Ancient Eternal advance Scientific Vedic Tradition... No Hand Shake only…

5 years ago