Padmanayana Krsna Dasa

Two Kinds of Devotees, Known as Sakāma and Akāma

O Lord, O personified three worlds, father of the three worlds! O strength of the three worlds, in the form…

4 years ago

Why we cannot see the Supreme Personality of Godhead face to face?

The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who created us by His external potency and by whose mercy we expand the creation…

4 years ago

One cannot Cross the Ocean by Holding the Dog’s Tail

Free from all material conceptions of existence and never wonder-struck by anything, the Lord is always jubilant and fully satisfied…

4 years ago

A Disciple Should Never be a Hypocrite

Viśvanātha Cakravartī Ṭhākura Says: yasya prasādād bhagavat-prasādo yasyāprasādān na gatiḥ kuto ’pi “By the mercy of the spiritual master one is…

4 years ago

Srila Prabhupada: Because We Elevate Mlecchas and Yavanas

Such are the criticisms that must be borne by the servants of Nārada Muni in the disciplic succession. Through the…

4 years ago

Narada-Muni Bajaya Vina

The seven musical notes — ṣa, ṛ, gā, ma, pa, dha and ni — are used in musical instruments, but…

4 years ago

Independent Woman

A woman who has no husband declares herself independent, which means that she becomes a prostitute. A prostitute generally dresses…

4 years ago

Even Imperfect Chanting can Kill all Sinful Reactions

Therefore it should be understood that one is easily relieved from all sinful reactions by chanting the holy name of…

4 years ago

Simple Way to Love the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Devotional service, beginning with the chanting of the holy name of the Lord, is the ultimate religious principle for the…

4 years ago

Bhāgavata-Dharma: The Most Confidential Religious Principle

Lord Brahmā, Bhagavān Nārada, Lord Śiva, the four Kumāras, Lord Kapila [the son of Devahūti], Svāyambhuva Manu, Prahlāda Mahārāja, Janaka…

4 years ago