Padmanayana Krsna Dasa

God has No Name

When the impersonalist says, or there are many philosophers, that "God has no name," actually that is a fact. God…

4 years ago

Real Religious Principle: para-duḥkha-duḥkhī

One generally follows different types of religious principles or performs various occupational duties according to the body given to him…

4 years ago

Sannyāsa is Compulsory, at Least for Every Brāhmaṇa

In this regard, a very exalted example was set by Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu and the Six Gosvāmīs of Vṛndāvana.…

4 years ago

Men of Small Intelligence Worship the Demigods

A pure devotee who is fully accomplished in the science of devotional service will never instruct a foolish person to…

4 years ago

Teacher is the Maker of Nation

If we see closely the recent issues in society we can easily observe that moral and spiritual aspects missing in…

4 years ago

ISKCON Registered a FIR Against Shemaroo Entertainment Ltd. & Surleen Kaur

What was the Issue? ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) has lodged a complaint against actress and stand-up comic Surleen…

4 years ago

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????????: ???'? ????? ?? ??????? ?? ???? ?????? ???.(1). All avatāras who descend from the spiritual world to the material…

4 years ago

Two Classes of Men Krpana and Brahmana

Those who think material assets to be everything or to be the ultimate goal of life are called misers [kṛpaṇas].…

4 years ago

Go-Puja at Vaikuntha Farm in Zurich, Switzerland

ॐ सुरभ्यै नमः OṀ Surabhyai Namaḥ! All glories to Mother Surabhi! All glories to Varnasrama Dharma! Beautiful photos from ISKCON…

4 years ago