Padmanayana Krsna Dasa

Devotee Women – Vaishnavis – Forbidden to take Sannyas: Srila Prabhupada

"February 4, 1976 : Mayapur The acceptance of sannyasa has become so popular recently that even some of the ladies…

5 years ago

Untimely Rath Yatra In Mumbai: Jagannath Sena Files Police Complaint Against ISKCON Head

Odisha TV: Edited By Pradeep Singh  Published By Vikash Sharma Last updated Feb 3, 2020 - 12:45 AM Puri: Protests have gained momentum in Odisha over…

5 years ago

In the Age of Kali, the Class of a Man Considered by his Wealth

In the Age of Kali, a man is considered high class, middle class or low class merely according to his…

5 years ago

The Powerful Influence of the Age of Kali

During the present age, Kali-yuga, practically all desirable qualities will gradually diminish, as described in this verse. For example, dharma, which indicates…

5 years ago

Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī is Referred in Srimad Bhagavatam

Today when I read this verse I recalled an old memory of mine. I was in an evening class of…

5 years ago

Srila Prabhupada Lila: “Achaa!”

Prabhupada is keen for the Western devotees to learn Hindi and has engaged Mr. Saxena in the task of teaching…

5 years ago

ISKCON’s Govardhan Eco Village: Hatha Yoga Centre

New age ISKCON which provides you gymnastic and meditational yoga-related courses and compromises the mission of the organization. Below are some experiences…

5 years ago

Get Bound Up and Get Freedom!

If this world is considered jail then the question comes how to come out of this jail? In general, if…

5 years ago

Gopastami: On this day Lord Sri Krishna became a qualified cowherd

On this day lord Sri Krishna became a qualified cowherd. Before this day, he was a keeper of the calves.…

5 years ago

Srila Prabhupada’s Cherished Dream : An Interview with Ambarisa Dasa

Ambarisa Dasa (Alfred Ford) is the great-grandson of Henry Ford. He was initiated by Srila Prabhupada in 1973. A disciple welcomes…

5 years ago