Krishna-kirti Dasa

People’s Egos Get Bigger After Meditation and Yoga, Says Study (

The science is settled. You don’t want to be a science-denier, do you? In the paper, published online by University…

6 years ago

A Most Unlikely Sanskrit Enthusiast

Born in Manhattan in 1902 to a pharmacist and a housewife, Berg played baseball at Barringer High School in Newark,…

6 years ago

Cheating in the Field of Psychology

One of the most famous experiments in the history of psychology turns out to have been faked. There is so…

6 years ago

Psychotherapy is useless

It looks like psychotherapy doesn’t help people all that much. When it comes to America, we must notice, as I…

6 years ago

A Follow-up to the What the MS-13 Gang and ISKCON Have in Common Post

As a follow-up to the posting on MS-13 and ISKCON, I received a number of interesting reactions. But before I…

6 years ago

What the MS-13 Gang and ISKCON Have in Common

Chanakya Pandit says, viśvāso naiva kartavyaḥ strīṣu rāja-kuleṣu ca: “There are two persons one should not trust—a politician and a…

6 years ago

The Limits of (Social) Science

The American Psyhciatric Association has produced this position statement about “Same Sex Unions” (gay / lesbian marriage): “The American Psychiatric Association supports the legal…

6 years ago

Good Behavior is as Important as Preaching

Mata Radha Devi Dasi, a senior member of ISKCON’s Vaishnavi Ministry, is also a long-time divorce lawyer. The problem in…

6 years ago

Slander Advances the Left’s Agenda in ISKCON

Neema Parvini at explains how the Left’s use of name-calling and slandering is very effective at advancing their agenda. For…

6 years ago

How the #MeToo Movement Is Changing Western Society

In a special report on the #MeToo movement, in which women have been stepping forward en masse with allegations of…

6 years ago