
SP125 Commemorative Coin

Dear Maharajas and Prabhus,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

ISKCON Communications & SP125 Committee are happy to inform you all that the Government of India has issued the rules and a notification to legally recognize the Rs 125 commemorative coin being minted by the Government on the historic occasion of Srila Prabhupada’s 125th Vyasa Puja (birth anniversary).

The Indian government’s official Gazette Notification is attached herein for your kind information.

After a ten-month exercise, the procedural formalities from several departments have been completed. We are hopeful that the coin would be released by the Government of India around Srila Prabhupada’s Vyasa Puja.

Each coin (Proof version) would cost Rs 4,600 + shipping charges and would come in an elegant box along with a small booklet describing the life and legacy of Srila Prabhupada.

We request all the temples in India to place their orders immediately as the manufacturing process takes nearly 30 days to complete. The last day for placing the order is 31 July 2021.

For temples/devotees outside of India, please see below for information on how to order.

We thank Vrajendranandan Prabhu, Haresh Govinda Prabhu (AHM), Vamshidhari Prabhu (AHM), and Pradyumana Priya Prabhu for their help in gathering letters of support which helped in making this coin happen.

Thank you.

Your servant,
Yudhistir Govinda Das


1. Since the Government Mint needs the payment 100% in advance before the minting begins, we would request you to finalize your orders and transfer the payment to the below-listed account.

The amount to be transferred is Rs 4600 x the number of coins. The shipping charges are not yet finalized and will be collected later on as the priority is to get the coins minted. Please note this is only for the use of Indian temples/centers.

Account No: 50100292473651
Account Name: ISKCON Communications
Bank: HDFC
Branch: East of Kailash, New Delhi

2. Once the payment has been transferred, please fill up the Google Form (link given below) capturing all the necessary order-related details.

For any queries/questions related to your order, please contact Rohinitanya Prabhu @ IC India office. Mobile: +91 844 732 5056.

3. To avoid any confusion/overlap, all international orders are processed exclusively through the ISKCON Communications Office of the region. We request all the temples/devotees to place their orders only through them. The region-wise details are given below:

Africa: Nanda Kishor Das,, Mobile: +27 824 992 498

Australia/Oceania: Bhakta Das,, Mobile: +61 431 829 463

Europe: Mahaprabhu Das,, Mobile:+32 498 545 838

North America: Madan Gopal Das,, Mobile: +1 973 876 4508

South America: Baladeva Das,, Mobile: +54 9261 303 4876

Regions not covered: Yudhistir Govinda Das,, +91 9654 789 832

SP Coin


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