I really do not understand, why demons must exploit women by giving to them artificial and unnatural positions in society, by depriving them of their natural position of Mother.
Why one should appoint her to be leader or “diksha” guru when she, by being Mother is already higher than any guru possible?

sa gurur yaḥ kriyāḥ kr̥tvā vedam asmai prayacchati /
upanīya dadad vedam ācāryaḥ sa udāhr̥taḥ // YS 34 //
ekadeśam upādhyāya r̥tvig yajña-kr̥d ucyate /
ete mānyā yathā-pūrvam ebhyo mātā garīyasī // YS 35 //
“Guru is one who teaches Veda
Acarya is one who gives initiation
Ritvik is one who performs yajnas
But ones mother is higher than all of them”

upādhyāyān daśācārya ācāryāṇāṃ śataṃ pitā |
sahasraṃ tu pitṝn mātā gauraveṇātiricyate || Manu 2.145 ||
“In veneration, the Preceptor excels ten Sub-teachers; the Father a hundred preceptors, and the Mother a thousand Fathers.”

The fact, that we as souls are equal, do not mean, that we, by being conditioned in this world, we can ignore the orders of Supreme, given for use of our respective bodies, for to get out of this conditioning.
Duty of any leader would be to help others by keeping them in their respective duties, laws of eternal Dharma and NOT by manufacturing his own ideas for to adjust to temporary needs of time, place and circumstances.

pitā’cāryaḥ suhṛtmātā bhāryā putraḥ purohitaḥ |
nādaṇḍyo nāma rājño’sti yaḥ svadharme na tiṣṭhati || MS 8.335 ||
“Neither the father or the preceptor or the friend or the mother or the wife or the son or the priest is unpunishable for the King, when they do not keep within their duty.”

If not – there will be and there are chaos, cheat, social disaster, hell of unwanted progeny, and other irreversible consequences. This is the great sin.

And it is so sad to recognize, that the “spiritual leadership” in establishing adharma under the guise of “devotional service”, time after time is taken by Gaudiya Vaisnavas – where individual Spirituality is blatantly identified with social irresponsibility. Under the banners of Bhakti by completely ignoring reality and social consequences.
Especially nowadays, where demonic substitution of concepts prevails.
For example – demons propogate, that for woman, to be Mother, to be Wife, Chaste girl – is to be SLAVE.

But what You achieve with masters mentality?

“Just like somebody says, “The Vaiṣṇava religion is slave mentality.” “Vaiṣṇava religion is slave mentality. They want to be servant.” So the rascals do not know that “What you have gained by master mentality?” You are simply servant of your senses. But they criticize that Vaiṣṇava is a slave man.”
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.2.1–5 Jan. 6, 1971, Calcutta

And demons are propogating that if Vaisnavi is Mother, housewife – she is a slave. Spiritually backward. And you must encourage her to be leader, to be independent preacher, to be diksha guru for to get rid of “slavery” and for to show to the whole world that “we are equal”! Srila Prabhupads allowed!

No, It is not allowance – it is restriction.
“So the idea is not to encourage, but to restrict. The idea is prohibition, at least in our country. Similarly, when there is allowance for sex life or meat-eating or drinking in the śāstras, they are not meant for instigating that “You go on with this business as much as you can.” No. Actually they are meant for restriction.”
Bhagavad-gītā 7.16, April 7, 1971, Bombay

And then, people, diseased with demonic concepts open Vaisnavi ministries, appoint vaisnavis to be Temple presidents, GBCs, diksha gurinis, leaderinis – completely forgetting, that Srila Prabhupada never did it and simply wanted matajis to be
good wives:

“Kṛṣṇa consciousness, however, provides first-class training for a man or a woman. A man should be trained to be a first-class devotee of Lord Kṛṣṇa, and a woman should be trained to be a very chaste follower of her husband.”
Srila Prabhupada purport to SB 6.18.42

“Prabhupāda: No, no, it is not bad. It is good. Now our policy should be that at Dallas we shall create first-class man, and we shall teach the girls two things. One thing is how to become chaste and faithful to their husband, and how to cook nicely. If these two qualifications they have, I’ll take guarantee to get for them good husband. I’ll personally… Yes. These two qualifications required. She must learn how to prepare first-class foodstuff, and she must learn how to become chaste and faithful to the husband. Only these two qualification required. Then her life is successful. So try to do that.”
Morning Walk, July 10, 1975, Chicago

But what are you trying to do? Dear ISKCON leaders and “vaisnavis”?

Do not forget – I have distributed thousands of books and I have given and I give thousands of dollars for you – for ISKCON. And I have right to demand justice. I will not leave ISKCON. I demand spiritual sanity. This must be stopped.

Our Vaisnavi leaderinis who probably do not really understand the whole picture of what they are actually doing. Sad story.

Source: Nataraja Das Heidemann FB


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