
Śrila Prabhupāda Wanted to Introduce Divine Varņāśrama-dharma

In discussing varnāśrama-dharma, it is most important to clearly distinguish between the original, divine method (dajva. varņāśrama) and its present perverse manifestation as ásura- varņāśrama, the caste system based solely on birth.” Devotees must clearly understand this difference, both to disabuse others and to not themselves re-create a new kind of caste system in the name of varņāśrama-dharma. It was daiva-varņāśramą- dharma that Śrila Prabhupāda advocated even in his earliest writings. He increasingly emphasized it after establishing Krsna consciousness in the West.

Hearing his conversations and lectures in chronological order gives us the chance to examine the evolution of Srila Prabhupäda’s varņāśrama presentation over time. During the earliest days he presents varņāśrama as an ideal social structure, but one which is probably not possible for the present age. Nevertheless, even in that early period, he is intent on creating brähmanas – devotees who would provide a “head” for society, giving it sound spiritual guidance. During the middle period, he proposes that ISKCON’s brāhmaņas provide the leadership to create a model of varņāśrama in which the rest of the world can can also be included. In the final phase, he presents varņāśrama as an important preaching tool and a structure to be implemented initially “within our ISKCON society,” with devotees in the Krsna consciousness movement participating at every level.[A]

As Śrila Prabhupāda famously stated: “Fifty percent of my work is not complete, because I have not established varnāśrama- dharma.”[B] And: “I have only done fifty percent of what I want to do. The farms have to be done. If they are established, varņāśrama will be established.”[C] While recognizing that it is unfeasible to fully revive varņāśrama-dharma in Kali-yuga,[D] Śrīla Prabhupāda desired to do so as far as possible.[E]

[A] From the introduction to Varnäsrama-dharma (comp. Hare Krsna Devi Dāsi) [B] Cited by several devotees, e.g. Abhirama Dása, as quoted in the book entitled Varnāsrama-dharma. [C] TKG’s Diary, 10 Aug. [D] SB 1.1.11, ppt. [E] Conversation, 14 Feb 1977.


Source: Book : “Mothers & Master”, Page 16-17


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