Categories: Philosophy

Contentious Sankirtana or Compassionate Patience? Part-2

An Editorial Study in Four Parts by HG Mayesvara Dasa(ACBSP)

2. Don’t Waste Your Time, Or: Compassionate Patience?

They Don’t Deserve Krishna Consciousness

Several devotees from all layers of the ISKCON hierarchy have come to preach in Ojai over the 30 plus years I have lived here. It is interesting to note on the spectrum of comments that have been made. Some are very committed to assisting in whatever way they can to help penetrate the numerous illusions that Ojai fosters, while others simply couldn’t be bothered. They claim that preaching the glories of Chanting Hare Krishna to the faithless is a great offense. To further that attitude, some have said people in the west are so selfish, offensive, arrogant, and degrades in virtually everything they do that they not only can’t begin to grasp Krishna Consciousness, but that is why they don’t even deserve it.
Fortunately, Srila Prabhupada did not think like that. He understood that in kali yuga virtually everyone is extremely fallen and faithless yet still his mission was to reach out to them none the less.
Earlier in this four-part editorial I shared that had I not encountered the devotees, I myself would have probably become an atheist and landed on the other end of the belief spectrum from Krishna Consciousness. All that alternative stuff, much of which has been listed below, falls along various points on that belief spectrum. Some are very noble and might be accepted as stepping stones that can bring one closer to the absolute truth. But close is only good enough in horseshoes and hand-grenades. If one wants to approach the Absolute Truth, it requires a firm rigorous commitment of unmotivated and uninterrupted devotional service. (SB. 1.2.6) All the stuff in the middle is what Jesus referred to as lukewarm faith.

“I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. sWould that you were either cold or hot!15 So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth16 – Bible Revelations 3:15-16

Referring to the same thing Rupa Goswami advise that pure devotional service could only be purchased with the price of intense greed.

”Pure devotional service in Krsna consciousness cannot be had even by pious activity in hundreds and thousands of lives. It can be attained only by paying one price—that is, intense greed to obtain it. If it is available somewhere, one must purchase it without delay.” – CC Madhya Lila Chapter 8 “Talks between Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Ramananda Raya”, Text 70

Stepping Stones & Deep Wells

It is important to note here that my comments below are not necessarily intended to be pejorative but to help devotees identify where and how these various paths differ from Krishna Consciousness. In many cases these groups teach only aspects of bhati yoga. Many devotees have even graduated from these other traditions and for them they acted as stepping stones on their way to Krishna Consciousness. However, the risk remains that a person might believe they are a Kundalini master and get enamored with the practice of just sitting and counting breaths. Although this is not necessarily a bad thing, it will not free one from the three modes of nature and therefore in the long run it is useless. (Bg. 17.28)

But some of the ideas that are attracting the attention of a lot of conditioned souls in Kali Yuga can be as crippling as falling into a deep well. The most obvious example occurs when one stumbles into the hole of mayavadi thinking. Few people escape from that trap and it’s easy to understand why. When someone sees everything as an illusion, including their own sense of self, then there is no-available venue to penetrate that façade. It’s like dreaming you are in a dream! Even when you think you woke up, you are still dreaming!

This is why Lord Caitanya stated very firmly: “Sankaracarya, who is an incarnation of Lord Siva, is faultless because he is a servant carrying out the orders of the Lord. But those who follow his Mayavadi philosophy are doomed. They will lose all their advancement in spiritual knowledge. C.C Adi 7.114

What inspired this editorial is the dialogue I recently had with individuals on a Facebook thread that are enamored with a sophomoric understanding of the Non-Dual Advaita tradition. Although this is just one of the many confusing voices being heard in Ojai, various flavors of the Non-Dual concepts lie at the foundation of many New Age teachings identified on this list. Ironically the people who fall for this line of thinking are quite intelligent but can’t begin to grasp the sever limits of their own cognitive prowess. (mayayapahata(?)-jnanah (Bg. 7.15) It’s also quite telling that those who drink the Advaita Kool Aid tend to not realize how there is nothing new, extraordinary, or wonderful about it. The tricky part is that much of what the Advaitists believe is partially true but it’s incomplete. Knowing this world has illusionary aspects is not enough to help us because we are still forced to engage the illusion just to obtain the necessities of life. If it’s all an illusion anyway, there is no reason to be a vegetarian. My exchange with the Non-Dualists will be presented in part four of this commentary. But right now, we shall take a closer look at all the alternative ideas that are represented in this little town of Ojai. Doing so will firmly illustrate how Kali Yuga is in full swing and why it is so imperative for devotees to work together and spare the world of all this alternative nonsense.

Ojai; A Microcosm of Kali Yuga Sophistry

Keep in mind that EVERYTHING on this list originated in the age of Kali and therefore all of it is tainted by the modes of lust, anger and greed etc. Krishna Consciousness is the only faith/philosophy that goes back to the days of Vivasvan, 120 Million years ago! (Bg. 4.1)
The registered voting population of Ojai is only 5,000 although the residents in the entire unincorporated valley region is estimated to be about 35,000. What makes this such a vortex of confusion is the disproportionate amount of new-age ideas that can be found in this microcosm. To get a sense of just how much propaganda floods the streets of Ojai, the following is a list of the organizations and personalities that call(ed) Ojai their home or have attracted a large following of individuals who live here and promote their teachings. I have had personal encounters with many of the individuals or groups included on this list. Some have been very open present and receptive, but the majority are surprisingly very bigoted, closeminded and even threatened by anything that does not march lock step in conjunction with what they have concluded is true and final.

Amaji 1 & 2, Sai Babba, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: One Amaji is famous for enlightenment by hugs. Sai Babba performed magic to attract followers. The others taught basic sentiments about peace & happiness.

Athiests United Venura Chapter: Having a mock-debate with a devotee pretending to be an atheist can be very deceiving. If you really want to test your patience and knowledge you can learn a lot by taking on a real atheist!

Atmananda Udasin: A western born impersonalist who became a monk in Rishikesha. An arrogant man in Ojai sponsored him to come spew his “All Brahman” conclusions. He derided Bhakti & feared challenges.

Babba Free John, Rajanisha (Osho): Sleazy frauds who manipulated religious sentiments to exploit others and used impersonalism to justify hedonism & DYI morality. Taught conquer senses by burning them out with indulgence!

Barbara Marx Hubbard & Conscious Evolution, “The Shift”: Although she lived in nearby Santa Barbara, she had a huge following. Many from Ojai promote her political activism and spiritual sentiments. She died Apr 10, 2019.

Beatrice Woods Center for the Arts: Mother of Dada art movement (1930’s) Icon for potters, hipsters and wide array of cutting-edge artists. She liked Vedas culture and had icons in her home. She died in Mar 3, 1998 at 103.

Bessant Hill Happy Valley School: Alternative upbeat expensive, experiential & environmental school designed to help their students find their secular dharma. They host responsible theater and cultural events for students & public.

Byron Katie: Her book “Love What Is!” projected her quickly to the top of the overpriced guru-therapists business. She predominantly attracts confused followers suffering from depression and teaches simplistic introspection.

Calvary Chapel of Ojai Valley: The evangelic pastor welcomed AVA to bring prasadam to his FREE annual holiday banquets in Libby park He requested we accept Jesus & became speechless when we told him we already did!

Christian Science Hall & Reading Room: They teach God will magically heal your bones if you believe it enough regardless of what you do. They were the first to promote entitlement karma, law of prosperity & “The Secret” .

Chumash Indian Tribal Nest: Lots of American Indian sentiment in Ojai where the Chumash tribe settled and performs ritual dancing at Ojai Day event. One can attend Sweat-lodges, T-Pees and Pow-Wows at lake Casitas.

Conversations with God c/o Neale Donald Walsh: Ojai resident movie actress Ingrid Bolting played the mystic in the movie and she popularizes the collection of theological speculations capitalized on by Mr. Walsh.

Course of Miracles: A scripture “channeled” by a therapist and promoted by a psychiatrist that many new agers turn to for propping up their simplistic “Oneness” teachings.

Dalai Lama, Buddhists & Zen: Fastest growing alternative faiths found all over Southwest USA. Dalai Lama acts more like a diplomat than a monk. He don’t follow ahimsa, vegetarian diet, nor do many who laud Buddhism.

Deepak Chopra: Split from MaheshYogi TM and built his own mega Quantum Health empire by overcharging bourgeoisie spiritualists for Vedic half-truths and clever pity maxims. He teaches Krishna of Gita is actually You!

Dr. Gerard D.C. Kuiken:  Accomplished physicist in thermodynamics he popularized idea that original Gita was smaller & impersonal but brahmins added to it verses about bhakti. See:

Eckard Tolle: Suicidal catatonic rescued by the success of his book “The Power of Now” This is just an updated version of Rama Dasa’s “Be Here Now” He was voted to be one of the three most “spiritual” teachers. Ha!

Guru Maharaji (Prem Rawat): Remembered as the 13-year old “Self Realized” progeny who turned hip business guru but had falling out with his family yet still attracts followers. His discourses are embarrassingly simplistic.

Jehovas Witness: We bow to their sankirtan spirit distributing “Watchtower” magazine, but they are forbidden to accept literature from any other faith! Their literature is targeted to appeal to a High School level of awareness.

Jiddu Krishnamurti Residence & Library: Considered by some to be most profound philosopher of 20th century but nobody can clearly say what he taught. He derides all scriptures & paths but publishes volumes of his own books.

Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaja & Mukundananda: Kripalu presented himself as the reincarnation of Lord Chaitanya. He passed away in scandal. Nov 15, 2013, His disciple Mukundananda inherited his empire.

Kutir of Meher Baba: Of Zoroastrian descent. He claimed to be the: “Avatar for the Milena” He did not speak for 26 years and taught naively simple concepts. His kutir is on Sulfer Mt., Ojai and memorialized annually.

Landmark Forum & The Mankind Project: Large scale group therapy that helps individuals see through their own false identification and develop a more genuine personal integrity to have a better relationship with the world.

Liberal Catholic Church: Amalgamation of Catholic and Protestant teachings in an attempt to attract followers from both. They have elaborate rituals that will often have more people on the altar than in the pews.

Living Peace in Ojai: Sentimental gatherings held annually to recognize International day of Peace (Sep 21) This was a joint venture between Meditation Mount, Ojai Foundation and Symphony of Life church to gain membership.

Mafu, Ramtha & Abraham: Popular self-declared “Channelers” that exploit the poorly informed and epitomize generic feel-good teaching for those with poor role models. Soft core morality in a hard-core goofy format.

Mahesh Yogi 1918-2008: First guru for the Beatles who popularized Transcendental Meditation. His teachings are still very popular and he attracts a lot of young people to attend his MUM university in Fairfield Ojai.

Meditation Mount: A “Spiritual” venue in Ojai that worships the four directions. It started with noble intentions but now rents it’s exquisite hall on the any organization, political cause, or social event just to survive.

Morman Church of Latter Day Saints: Very likable congregation that has a strong commitment to the family. They honor other spiritual traditions & contributed $25K towards construction of the Krishna Temple in Provo Utah.

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo | Soka Gakkai International (SGI): Presents secular Buddhism as highest form and is promoted at home programs and special events in local parks. Has a fashionable following of some movie stars.

Nim Karoli Babba, Nisargadatta Maharaja, Muktananda: These individuals attracted followers in 60’s and taught their own version of selected portions of Vedas. They may refer to the divine but not usually as Krishna.

Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswati: Visited Ojai several times to share peace message and attract supporters. He is a soft-hearted gentleman whose life mission is humanitarianism, the deity of mayavadi impersonalists.

Oak Grove School: This began to teach the children of those who followed Krishnamurti. It offers outdoor classrooms, focuses on teaching a rigorous independence from all religion and has a pretentious /elitist reputation.

Ojai Foundation: A commune from the hippie generation that promotes an organic concept of brotherly love, peace, happiness and a sanguine concept of social allegiance by holding a tribal like community “council.”

Ojai Healing, Soul Sanctuary, Sacred Space Studios: These are separate venues where guest speakers can promote cost base classes on self-healing, empowerment, chakra alignment and aroma therapy etc.

Ojai Retreat: Originally used for Primal Scream Therapy this property is now the destination of choice for those who want to escape Los Angeles. It provides a forum for seminars rents nice rooms to those who attend.

Ojai Valley Community Church: Led by an extremely charismatic liberal minister who drinks, smokes, swears and thrashes confusion about Jesus, the Bible and blind followers. He is denounced as a vain-devil by others priests.

Ojai Valley Green Coalition: A Feel good nonprofit environmental euphemism that originally attracted a large following of professionals looking to find clients to sell their products or services to but is now drying up.

Papaji, Gangaji: Descents of Ramana Maharshi. Papaji was a devotee who drifted into impersonalism & Gangaji was a Psychologist who discovered that playing guru to the gullible and confused would be much more lucrative.

Paramahansa Yogananda: His Autobiography of a Yogi built bridges between Christian Biblical Thought and the teachings Krishna presented in the Gita. He still has a strong following of well-intended kind souls.

Ojai Presbyterian Church: The most popular middle-class conservative church in Ojai. The minister is like a good old college friend who knows he must preach what his congregation wants otherwise he will be out of a job.

Ojai Catholic Church: Traditional Catholicism. They sponsor thanksgiving for the homeless. Nothing new here.

Ojai Redemption Church: Big evangelic mode-of-goodness church offering therapy-like healing events in Jesus name.

Raghavan Narasimhan Iyer 1930-1995: Oxford educated scholar who taught at USCB who weaved Indian thought into his insightful lectures and had great influence on his students. He founded United Lodge of Theosophists.

Rama Dasa & Hanuman Gardens: Wealthy Ojai residents who host organic gatherings to promote Rama Dasa “Love & Serve” request via vegetarian food and mantra music. (Pass the joint please.) The have a very mixed reputation.

Ramana Maharshi 1879-1950 & Neo-Advaita Narcissism: Ramana was a mayavadi who lived five principals his followers never talk about and don’t follow: 1)Stay Brahmachari, 2) Study the Vedas, 3)Abandon Fashion Trends 4)Eat Vegetarian 5)Don’t seek followers. He was the closest example of an Advaita-Yogi in our lifetime.

Sacred Fire Keepers: promotes the American Indian tradition of keeping a monthly community fire to create an environment where people can openly share personal insights and glean tribal support.

Satguru: Sat-guru is the new superstar pied-piper guru who prides himself in admitting he has not read the gita and promotes a do it yourself approach to common sense (illusionary) enlightenment. Feel it for yourself!

Seventh Day Adventists: The only Christian denomination that actually promotes a vegetarian lifestyle. The movie Hacksaw Ridge commands our respect. They host Vegan pot lucks and teach good health through good food.

Scientology, L-Ron Hubbard, Narconon: Sep of 2015 Scientology purchased a mansion on the top of an Ojai mountain to operate a drug rehab center. Scientology is shrouded in serious fraud and criminal scandals.

Symphony of Life Fellowship: Earnest Holmes “Science of Mind.” Got his ideas from Gita. The Ojai focus is don’t by Judgmental because anything goes and all paths lead to the same place as long as the collection plate gets full!

Thatcher School: Prestigious/expensive boarding school that educates movie-star progeny via tactics like making each student responsible for the care and feeding of a live horse! They have an excellent theater department.

The Oaks At Ojai AKA:The Fat Farm: Of all the spas in Ojai this one is the epitome for servicing bodily onsciousness. It attracts wealthy individuals from LA who want to enjoy healthy meals, aerobics and a good massage.

Theosophical Society Headquarters & Krotona Institute: Founded by the grandmother of New Age Madam Blavanski 1875. Annie Bessant took over and groomed Krishnamurti to follow her but he denounced all of it!

Urantia Book: A book that was allegedly brought to mankind by aliens in an attempt to unite religion, science and philosophy. It is an exotic mix of: JR Tolkien, St. Paul and the Course in Miracles. (Yes this is a real thing!)

Villanova Preparatory School: Well established, highly reputable, and expensive Catholic boarding/prep school that attracts a lot of foreigners and is founded on the teachings of Saint Augustine.

What Is Enlightenment Magazine & Andrew Cohen: Andrew is a Ramesh Balaskar sycophant who envied Gangaji and became so enamored playing guru that his own mom denounced him! The magazine is now Defunct.

World University: Founded erudite scholar Dr. Rey, later maintained by his descendants. Sweet people who taught “Respect Everyone!” but what they offered was so sophomoric they couldn’t attract a following & closed in 2019.

Yogi Bhajan 1929-2004 Kundalini Disciples: Spin off Sikh. Founded 3HO, Happy, Healthy & Holy. He taught is own interpretation of Kundalini yoga but his reputation got embroiled in numerus allegation of sexual scandal.

By Mayesvara Dasa 

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