Categories: Philosophy

…And Christians too Can’t Answer my Questions

Recently a devotee Vijay Krishna Das has seen a video on Youtube title of the video as follows:

Muslims Admit: “We Can’t Answer David’s Question!” (Featuring Adnan Rashid and Mufassil Islam!) 

By Acts17Apologetics On April 21, 2020.  Click here for Video Link

Vijay Krishna Das Commented:


And I am sure you will just skip this comment. You are Christian Apologetic. Avoid difficult questions & if at all answer then give some stupid illogical argument.

And for fear of being questioned a famous Christian preacher Ravi Zacharias (Ravi Zacharias International Ministries Youtube Channel) keep even comments off. Another apologetic.

And all Christian preachers are alike.

Christianity is more a political movement than a spiritual one just like Islam.

As even Christianity has spread by the sword, torture, destruction of civilizations!

And at present Christianity spreads by cheating/healing techniques!

My question is why Christians need sword or cheating techniques if they are holding truth?

And why is it declining in its original land, Europe?

Why Jesus, if God, had to die on the cross? Don’t give me that “it was the atonement of original sin” argument. God in no way is bound to be punished for anyone’s sin. Rather God is a judge Himself to punish any sinner.

And even if Jesus is a son of God, still God is not bound to punish/sacrifice Jesus/Himself for someone else’s sin. Otherwise, it will be an example of UNJUST God. How can I surrender to an Unjust God?

And if God has punished Jesus/Himself for everyone’s sin, then why will be Judgment Day?

And there are hundreds & thousands of questions.

And the Book may raise more questions than it can answer.

I will ask more questions if these questions are answered.

Christian Replied(HorseWithNoUsername):

Hi Vijay, good questions. I’m not sure I’ve heard any recent substantiated claims of missionaries ‘cheating’ to convert people to Christianity, even though it is commonly claimed by opponents of them in India. It’s certainly possible that a small minority have gone that way in sin, but the only substantiated claims I’ve heard are about Islamic apologists, such as Zakir Naik’s organisation. In any case, both cheating and the sword are not the preferred way to convict people of the truth of the Christian gospel. In fact, Jesus would repudiate anyone doing that, and history bears this out: Christianity has always spread most quickly when it is spread by simply preaching the truth of the gospel of Jesus. The Crusades, on the other hand, were totally unsuccessful, and rightly so.

Europe is not the original home of the church – it started in Israel, in the Roman province of Judea, and most of the early church was in the Middle East and North Africa. It is declining in Europe because churches stopped preaching the gospel, supported wars, and became distracted by worldly issues. Many Europeans know little about Christianity.

Jesus did die on the cross for the atonement of our sins, but you’re right, he was not bound to do so. Instead he CHOSE to do it, because he loves us. And, because he chose to die for us, that also makes the Father’s punishment of him entirely just. If he had died unwillingly, it would be unjust, because it would be punishing someone for a crime he didn’t commit. But instead Jesus freely, willingly offered to die in our place, substituting himself for us, because God’s justice demanded a punishment, but his love made him willing to provide the sacrifice to save his people.

Judgement Day will come because not everyone accepts that Jesus died for them. Not everyone believes that they have committed wrongdoing before God that his justice will demand retribution for. If someone offers to take your death sentence upon themselves, but you refuse them, what will happen? You will receive the punishment handed down, and die. Jesus’ death could pay for everyone’s sins, because there is no sin too big for his death to cover, but not everyone will accept his offer. Therefore, he will return to judge according to whether they have accepted his offer or not.

Vijay Krishna Das Replied:

Dear Sir,

In which world are you living? To whom are you trying to convince?

I am not dumb villager whom most pastors are preaching and cheating. I have listed below response to your reply.

If you are really seeking God then open your mind. Don’t just defend obvious acts of sins of preachers of Christianity. If you can really convince me I will be happy to embrace truth. But then you should also be open to see truth.

(1) Torture & cheating by Christians throughout the world is not just HISTORY but also PRESENT in addition to CRUSADES in past. For e.g.

INQUISITION in Europe & elsewhere




Destroying whole populations: Original people (Aborigines) of North America, South America, Australia, Africa and many more…

Complete destruction of local culture due to rise in Christianity: Roman, Greek, Mayan, South American, African and many more…

And also in PRESENT Christianity is spreading mostly by CHEATING & BRIBING innocent, uneducated villagers through HEALING programs or by BRIBING.

India: Video Link

Africa: Video Link

You say that “In fact, Jesus would repudiate anyone doing that…”

But still Christian preachers doesn’t care for Jesus’ repudiation.

That means in whole world CHRISTIANS ARE NOT PREACHING CHRISTIANITY BUT THEY ARE PREACHING CHURCHIANITY OR POPISM. And Protestants are no exception. No one is preaching Christianity!

It is also involved in CONSPIRACIES to influence or destabilize local governments and MURDERS of anyone who oppose conversion.

(2) I know that Europe is not the original home of Christianity rather it is Israel.

I have also read Bible. I was talking about Roman Catholicism & Protestantism. They have home in Europe. Europe is center of Christianity since 1600+ years and yet Christianity is declining in Europe.

(3) Decline of Christianity in Europe, may be because preaching has stopped!

But the real reason is that when people became educated & intelligent, they start asking questions which Christianity can’t answer such as questions in my above comment. And I have many more questions.

Like why newborn baby is poor or rich, beautiful or ugly, healthy or weak, perfect or disabled?

No intelligent logical answer with Christianity.

(4) Yes, Jesus was tolerant, so are many throughout the world.

Jesus sacrificed his life for mankind, so are many who have done so.

How Jesus is special?

Why not Guru Govindsingh, Arjandev, Tegbahadur who lay their lives?

Why not Bhagatsingh, Rani Lakshmibai, etc. who gave their lives?

They also died for the people!

And particularly these Sikh gurus were spiritual leaders to guide people towards God. So why aren’t they special? And how Jesus is special in anyway?

Jesus was also doing miracles & curing people. But that is not so great! Anyway they died sooner or later who were cured or saved by Jesus.

Curing or saving doesn’t make him special son of God or God himself. As many people can do miracles even now.

And yet foolish uneducated people accept Christianity by seeing some Healing Drama though it really may not work for them. And these villagers don’t ask why such healing programs are not conducted in cities or in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, etc. where people are educated?

(5) You wrote, “…because God’s justice demanded a punishment, but his love made him willing to provide the sacrifice to save his people…”

Even if somebody like Jesus wants to die in others’ place the judge has to see who the real culprit is? But instead, if He accepts someone else as criminal/sinner, that means He has no right to be a judge.

Why should I accept His supremacy even, who is punishing innocent Jesus for the sin of others?

It raises the question about His omnipotence also.

How is that He could not just forgive Jesus or anyone who had sinned?

Who compels Him to sacrifice?

That means there is some even superior being than Father of Jesus, Yahweh, WHO is compelling Yahweh to sacrifice Jesus.

It even raises doubt about His omniscience. He sacrificed Jesus perhaps because He even did not know who the real culprit is?

And by the way, can you tell me, who was the real sinner for whom Jesus died?

And also tell me, what was the grave sin for which Jesus had to die?

And why did he die after thousands of years of creation? Why didn’t he come right in the beginning?

In what way Jesus’ death benefited the world?

What about those who died before ‘Jesus The Savior’ who came to save humanity? Are they in heaven or hell?

What about those who at present die without being informed about accepting Jesus? Where will they go? Heaven or Hell?

How can Jesus die for those who came after him? Is it that people are borne with sin? And Jesus knowing this future, died in advance!

Why God send people in this world with sin?

(6) “Judgment Day will come because not everyone accepts that Jesus died for them.”

Why should anyone now accept that Jesus has died for us?

What sin a newborn has committed even before birth that has already been atoned by Jesus even before committing sin?

If that is so, than it is a license for Christians committing any number of sins or immoral acts as accepting ‘Jesus The Savior’ is enough, as they are already redeemed of all sins they may commit in future.

Judgment Day is just coming! Jesus is coming! How many such prophecies are there?

Not anyone has come true yet. Since creation it has not occurred.

Well! Don’t you have the exact date?

I can go on asking questions and arguing.

But in conclusion, I would say, just be open minded.

Blind faith in some imaginary theory (Accept Jesus that he has died for us and redeemed us from all past, present and future sins) and go on defending it is not true devotion to God.

Please pray to God to show you light. Show you Truth. And keep searching Truth. But if you confine truth in your book & theory, then God bless you!

Note: After my second reply, I did not receive any reply up to now on May 3, 2020 on Youtube from HorseWithNoUsername or Acts17Apologetics


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