One day, while Prabhupāda was sitting in his room receiving his massage, he began talking and laughing. As he sat on the floor with one leg tucked under his body and one leg outstretched before him, he told the two or three devotees present how Kṛṣṇa, carrying the lunch His mother had packed for Him, would go to the forest with His cowherd boyfriends, who were also carrying lunches from home. Kṛṣṇa and His friends would all sit together sharing their lunch, and Kṛṣṇa always had the best laḍḍus and kacaurīs. Prabhupāda’s eyes flashed, and he rubbed his hands together, smiling. “I simply want to go to Kṛṣṇaloka so I can have some of Kṛṣṇa’s laḍḍu and kacaurīs. I do not have any great diversion from this. I simply want to go there so that I can enjoy eating laḍḍus and kacaurīs with Kṛṣṇa and the cowherd boys.” Opening his eyes widely, he glanced at Devānanda, who was massaging him, and at the others in the room. “Oh,” he said to them, “if you will give me laḍḍus and kacaurīs, then I will bless you.”

“Swamiji, please teach us how to make laḍḍus and kacaurīs,” the devotees replied excitedly. “We will definitely make them for you!”

“Yes,” Prabhupāda assured them, “I shall show you. I shall teach you.” And he went on talking in a jovial way.

Soruce:  Srila Prabupada-Lilamrita Ch. 57

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