Categories: Books

Result of Gita Marathon-2019 from all over the world

This past December’s Prabhupada Marathon proved to be amazing for many temples.

Pune was the No. 1 temple in the world, with 663,371 book points. Who would have thought twenty years ago that Pune will be on top? Back then, the temple had just a little center in the city, and now there’s also an enormous temple, an immense congregation, and over a hundred brahmacaris.

ISV also had a huge marathon and ended up No. 2 in the world, with 161,211 book points. For 2019, ISV was No. 1 in the Western hemisphere. This is a temple no one lives in, except the Deities. It’s a congregational temple, inspired by the famous Vaisesika Prabhu, completely fired up to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books.

In Europe, the Bhaktivedanta Manor again had a huge marathon. Usually the London temple and the Manor have a pretty close competition, but this time it wasn’t close at all. The Manor devotees just went all out and did 66,000
book points, whereas the London temple did about half that: 33,648 book points. I don’t think that Jai Nitai Prabhu, the London temple president, is going to let that happen again. He’s quite a competitive personality, being an old book distributor himself. Of course, this past December the temple was busy celebrating 50 years of ISKCON in London, with a spectacular show at the Apollo Theater.

What happened to Mayapur? No scores for December from our world headquarters.

Your servant,
Vijaya Dasa

For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this page contains the following results for the month of December 2019.

World Totals Page 2
Monthly Congregation and Weekend Warriors Page 2
Monthly Continents Page 3
Monthly Arabic Temple Distribution Page 3
Monthly Top Ten Temples by Size Page 3
Monthly Top Ten Temples by Continent Page 4
Monthly Top Teams and Individuals Page 5
Monthly Arabic Individual Distributors Page 5
Monthly All Countries Page 6
Monthly All Temples Page 7
Monthly All Prabhupada Diksa Disciples Page 8
Cumulative Top Ten Countries Page 9
Cumulative Top Ten Temples Page 9
Cumulative Top 50 Individuals Worldwide Page 9

**** Page 2 ****

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* During the month of December 2019, 262 temples reported *

* distributing the following number of books: *

* 1,926,056 Maha-big books *
* 185,356 Big books *
* 170,161 Medium books *
* 518,478 Small books *
* 132,251 Magazines *
* 7,694 BTG subscriptions *
* 3,496 Full sets *
* 2,978,466 literatures for the month *
* 7,741,691 literatures year-to-date *
* 556,758,610 literatures worldwide since 1965 *
* *
* All glories to Srila Prabhupada! *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

World Sankirtan Newsletter CONGREGATIONAL PREACHING December 2019

Congregation and % M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Weekend Warriors Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags

1 WW Team ISV Week Sil USA161211.5*+999% 59838* 8640* 8629* 32263* 1217
2 WW Jiva Daya Mar Bal USA 5669.00 +40% 1881 1399* 1 14 0
3 WW Toronto WW Tor Can 5244.95*+246% 2102* 276* 572* 475 2
4 London Sastra Da Lon Eng 4301.75*+999% 1654* 116 1693* 125 0
5 Ljubljana Sastra Lju Slo 1819.00*+999% 17 30* 94* 6832* 0
6 Mantra Lounge Ph Man USA 1765.75 +14% 435 25 1249* 841* 0
7 WW Dallas Dal USA 1743.75*+424% 691* 32 8 7 0
8 WW Nairobi WW Nai Ken 1615.50 na 461 461 100 730 0
9 Pandava Sena Bha Eng 1232.75*+999% 257* 198* 880* 246* 0
10 WW London WW Lon Eng 904.25*+999% 234* 61* 726* 49 0
11 WW Durban Dur SA 741.50*+432% 101* 80 178 1338* 0
12 Dhaka Namhatta Dha Ban 686.00*+196% 317* 20 26 76 0
13 Brisbane SD Bri Aus 54.25 na 19 2 1 55 0
(%)Change compared (*)New record
to monthly average for this year

**** Page 3 ****

World Sankirtan Newsletter MONTHLY CONTINENTS December 2019

% of M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs Full
Continent (temples) Points World Books Books Books Books Mags Sets

1 Asia (34) 3470738.40 79%1644969 19318 22558 180507156705 2918
2 North America (31) 299749.55 7% 102102 33459 27778 69536 6033 420
3 CIS (94) 204150.70 5% 73805 17549 34309 86164 2962 0
4 Europe (41) 198024.75 5% 62359 19035 67830 63055 5710 50
5 Africa (22) 102013.50 2% 19245 37326 12491 74732 6210 23
6 Latin America (33) 74058.00 2% 3205 55895 3394 35040 0 36
7 Australasia (7) 48585.00 1% 20371 2774 1801 9444 795 49


World Sankirtan Newsletter ARABIC BOOK DISTRIBUTION BY TEMPLE December 2019

Special Promotion Arabic Mahabig 6 pts each, Arabic Small 3 pts each

Arabic Arab Arabic Arab Arab
Temples (size) Points M-Big Big Medium Small Mags

1 Silicon Valley(ISV USA 14058.00 418 0 0 3850 0
2 RupanugaVedicColle USA 1824.00 7 0 0 594 0
3 Los Angeles (L) USA 1269.00 93 0 0 237 0
4 Simhachalam (M) Ger 840.00 2 0 0 276 0
5 Cologne(Gauradesh) Ger 399.00 8 0 0 117 0
6 New Mayapur (S) Fra 288.00 6 0 0 84 0
7 Paris (S) Fra 282.00 7 0 0 80 0
8 Goloka Dhama (S) Ger 282.00 0 0 0 94 0
9 New York City (M) USA 180.00 3 0 0 54 0
10 Bhaktivedanta Mano Eng 153.00 0 0 0 51 0


World Sankirtan Newsletter TOP TEN TEMPLES BY SIZE December 2019

% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags

TOP TEN LARGE TEMPLES (41+ devotees)

1 Pune Ind663471.20*+999% 314718* 1986* 1705* 21838* 4711*
2 New Delhi Ind550307.15*+858% 268721* 1848 2023 7813 15654
3 Mumbai-Juhu Ind427287.25*+999% 197951* 3020* 5840* 38853* 0
4 Mumbai-Chowpatty Ind297436.05*+999% 138594* 2998* 2216* 20997 566
5 Mumbai-Kharghar Ind140627.50 na 70120 0 0 1550 0
6 Tirupati Ind130761.75*+999% 55938* 790* 521* 12447*38365*
7 Bhaktivedanta Mano Eng 66000.50*+999% 21135* 1782 33630* 14501* 0
8 Los Angeles USA 52663.50*+249% 12828* 15355* 6849* 13001 2980
9 Durban SA 29221.75*+999% 2978* 16321* 2099* 21373* 3000*
10 Melbourne Aus 25072.45*+954% 11525* 363* 81 1579* 2

TOP TEN MEDIUM TEMPLES (21-40 devotees)

1 New Delhi(Punj.Bag Ind404019.25*+999% 200036* 86 345 987 16600
2 Ahmedabad Ind205531.80*+999% 102757* 0 19 0 83
3 Hyderabad Ind133453.75*+999% 59310* 1728* 466 14259* 200*
4 Mumbai-Mira Road Ind 56000.00*+999% 28000* 0 0 0 0
5 London-Soho Eng 33648.25*+999% 11171* 631* 19002* 4697* 0
6 Nagpur Ind 24000.00 na 12000 0 0 0 0
7 Salem Ind 21376.45*+681% 6214* 1751* 306* 22739* 332
8 Mexico City Mex 18633.00*+372% 217 18199* 0 0 0
9 Tbilisi Geo 7395.75*+295% 3445* 264 269 429* 0
10 Perm Rus 7289.50*+344% 2812* 180* 1188* 3566* 0

TOP TEN SMALL TEMPLES (6-20 devotees)

1 Silicon Valley(ISV USA161211.45*+999% 59838* 8640* 8629* 32263* 1217
2 New Delhi(HK Cente Ind120753.00*+999% 60150* 0 7 550* 0
3 Chandigarh Ind 78614.75*+999% 38788* 19 8 345 1194
4 Surat Ind 50511.50*+999% 23844* 58 30 5528* 174
5 Nairobi Ken 27684.70*+999% 7101* 5291* 3434* 25622* 332*
6 Cueramaro Mex 21056.25*+361% 879* 17776* 1940 1633 0
7 Moscow-Gita Nagari Rus 18541.25*+272% 8112* 1289 1347* 1419 0
8 Bangalore Whitefie Ind 17937.25 na 8613 352 77 949 114
9 New York Harinam USA 14245.00*+212% 3982* 3016* 4174* 3128* 0
10 Sankirtan Dham TST Ita 13773.50*+175% 5785* 0 4407 0 0


1 Nitai Gauranga TSK Bra 9949.50* +61% 0 7830* 0 8478* 0
2 Rovno Ukr 5844.00 na 2682 100 70 1380 0
3 Baltimore USA 5669.00 +53% 1881 1399* 1 14 0
4 Itajai Bra 3966.75 +280% 227* 3458 2 215 0
5 Porto Alegre Bra 3608.75 +229% 122* 3272 8 355 0
6 Pretoria SA 2259.00*+999% 51* 2063* 15 346* 0
7 Kishinev Ukr 2198.00*+999% 368* 17* 2890* 0 0
8 Montevideo Uru 2109.75*+999% 159 71 246 6391* 0
9 Mantra Lounge (Phi USA 1765.75 +14% 435 25 1249* 841* 0
10 Hartford USA 1657.75*+210% 772* 4 124 191* 0


**** Page 4 ****

World Sankirtan Newsletter TOP TEN TEMPLES BY CONTINENT December 2019

% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags



1 Pune Ind663471.20 +999% 314718 1986 1705 21838 4711
2 New Delhi Ind550307.15 +945% 268721 1848 2023 7813 15654
3 Mumbai-Juhu Ind427287.25 +999% 197951 3020 5840 38853 0
4 New Delhi(Punj.Bag Ind404019.25 +999% 200036 86 345 987 16600
5 Mumbai-Chowpatty Ind297436.05 +999% 138594 2998 2216 20997 566
6 Ahmedabad Ind205531.80 +999% 102757 0 19 0 83
7 Mumbai-Kharghar Ind140627.50 na 70120 0 0 1550 0
8 Hyderabad Ind133453.75 +999% 59310 1728 466 14259 200
9 Tirupati Ind130761.75 +999% 55938 790 521 12447 38365
10 New Delhi(HK Cente Ind120753.00 +999% 60150 0 7 550 0


1 Silicon Valley(ISV USA161211.45 +999% 59838 8640 8629 32263 1217
2 Los Angeles USA 52663.50 +280% 12828 15355 6849 13001 2980
3 New York Harinam USA 14245.00 +240% 3982 3016 4174 3128 0
4 Chicago USA 10874.25 +302% 4547 683 104 4181 0
5 Toronto Can 8221.95 +334% 3581 280 588 503 2
6 Baltimore USA 5669.00 +67% 1881 1399 1 14 0
7 Washington D.C. USA 5664.00 +999% 2832 0 0 0 0
8 RupanugaVedicColle USA 5354.55 +85% 962 1130 177 2035 418
9 New York City USA 4638.75 +400% 1477 415 466 1633 0
10 Laguna Beach USA 4051.00 +275% 1175 1130 80 804 420


1 Moscow-Gita Nagari Rus 18541.25 +313% 8112 1289 1347 1419 0
2 Almaty Kaz 18345.50 +999% 6975 994 2176 9254 0
3 Moscow Rus 14232.00 +476% 5606 563 1970 5888 0
4 Moscow-Goloka Dham Rus 13418.50 +545% 5748 689 860 3214 0
5 Kiev Ukr 11033.25 +999% 3780 718 2484 6053 0
6 Moscow-Bhaktivedan Rus 9706.75 na 3948 1091 970 939 0
7 St. Petersburg Rus 9238.00 +326% 3431 1112 1376 2304 0
8 Tbilisi Geo 7395.75 +334% 3445 264 269 429 0
9 Perm Rus 7289.50 +393% 2812 180 1188 3566 0
10 Dnepropetrovsk Ukr 6246.00 +999% 2199 1056 1003 1162 0


1 Bhaktivedanta Mano Eng 66000.50 +999% 21135 1782 33630 14501 0
2 London-Soho Eng 33648.25 +999% 11171 631 19002 4697 0
3 Budapest Hun 23848.65 +999% 8369 3146 366 14333 1984
4 Sankirtan Dham TST Ita 13773.50 +203% 5785 0 4407 0 0
5 New Vrajadham-Hung Hun 10858.85 +999% 3488 1860 0 7077 2536
6 Vilnius Lit 6257.75 +999% 1998 1125 72 4403 0
7 Simhachalam Ger 6130.00 +389% 1664 1259 1172 760 0
8 Cologne(Gauradesh) Ger 3436.25 +775% 1189 270 591 556 0
9 Zagreb Cro 3396.50 +679% 956 1432 102 6 0
10 Ljubljana Slo 3200.50 +999% 73 490 493 9272 0


1 Durban Sou 29221.75 +999% 2978 16321 2099 21373 3000
2 Nairobi Ken 27684.70 +999% 7101 5291 3434 25622 332
3 Kisumu Ken 12415.00 +999% 1370 3963 2466 17628 0
4 Mombasa Ken 10342.50 na 5050 100 50 470 0
5 Phoenix(SA) Sou 7039.75 +999% 496 5540 129 1473 750
6 Phoenix(MA) Mau 3340.50 +601% 1379 7 8 2278 20
7 Pretoria Sou 2259.00 +999% 51 2063 15 346 0
8 Lenasia Sou 2020.35 +999% 29 1854 32 155 536
9 Cape Town Sou 1738.95 +999% 245 582 433 1711 227
10 Midrand Sou 1528.00 +999% 0 0 3056 0 0


1 Cueramaro Mex 21056.25 +403% 879 17776 1940 1633 0
2 Mexico City Mex 18633.00 +415% 217 18199 0 0 0
3 Nitai Gauranga TSK Bra 9949.50 +79% 0 7830 0 8478 0
4 Santiago Chi 4381.75 +668% 731 1026 8 3383 0
5 Itajai Bra 3966.75 +314% 227 3458 2 215 0
6 Porto Alegre Bra 3608.75 +259% 122 3272 8 355 0
7 Montevideo Uru 2109.75 +999% 159 71 246 6391 0
8 Buenos Aires Arg 2047.75 +153% 344 100 323 3961 0
9 Curitiba Bra 1675.25 +310% 50 1330 0 981 0
10 Florianopolis Bra 1409.00 +213% 119 1020 0 604 0


1 Melbourne Aus 25072.45 +999% 11525 363 81 1579 2
2 Wellington New 10331.50 +999% 4300 520 492 3430 0
3 Auckland Loft New 6784.00 +318% 1826 1855 736 3060 0
4 Sydney-North Aus 5305.75 +52% 2390 31 443 517 0
5 Perth Aus 494.55 +175% 167 0 44 57 163
6 Laguna Phi 340.80 na 48 0 4 720 628
7 Brisbane Aus 255.95 +34% 115 5 1 81 2


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World Sankirtan Newsletter TEAM BOOK DISTRIBUTION December 2019

% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Individuals Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags

1 Vichitra Krishna New In120290.40 na 60047 0 4 153 1562
2 Sundar Caitanya Mum In120044.30 na 58702 323 250 2721 0
3 Vaikuntha Mukund Ahm Ind80000.00 na 40000 0 0 0 0
4 Krishna Bhava d New Ind70000.00 na 35000 0 0 0 0
5 Vijay Gopi Kesha Pun Ind66877.50 na 32917 0 0 430 0
6 Leela Parayana d Tir Ind63696.20 na 25168 0 0 0 32408
7 Madhusundar d New Ind60594.50 +453% 29834 0 1637 0 0
8 Sunder Gopal d New Ind60237.25 +133% 29669 0 45 319 50
9 Ugra Nrsimha d Pun Ind60052.50 na 27224 152 156 618 0
10 Rukmini Krishna New Ind60000.00 na 30000 0 0 0 0
11 Sri Karta d New Ind52000.00 +433% 26000 0 0 0 0
12 Hara d Mum Ind47072.50 na 23109 19 49 76 0
13 Radheshyam d (TP Pun Ind40717.25 na 11031 0 4 2325 0
14 Sunder Madhav d New Ind32907.00 +356% 16441 0 0 100 0
15 Vishnu Bhakta d Ahm Ind32192.00 na 16096 0 0 0 0
16 Jaydev d Pun Ind30969.25 na 15412 2 31 511 0
17 Dauji Nitai d Pun Ind29798.50 na 14217 13 13 772 0
18 Nitya Mukta d Tir Ind27050.50 na 13034 0 0 0 2358
19 Jugal Kishor d Pun Ind25920.00 na 12907 8 23 346 0
20 Kadamba Krishna Pun Ind25348.25 na 12671 0 0 25 0
21 Revati Raman d Mum Ind25221.50 na 12447 153 1 120 0
22 Shuddha Nitai Ca Pun Ind24018.00 na 12009 0 0 0 0
23 Kanai Thakur d Pun Ind23093.50 na 11254 119 65 584 0
24 Radhika Kanhai d Mum Ind20602.75 na 10218 63 1 269 0
25 Krishna Kids Nai Ken20197.90 +999% 5618 3238 1715 19464 4
26 Bhagavat Ashraya Mum Ind19876.25 na 7947 465 720 5285 0
27 Jalatala dd Mum Ind19028.25 na 9090 203 604 797 0
28 Ajanma Krishna d New Ind17852.35 +8% 8563 25 47 1263 21
29 Neel Kantha d New Ind17625.00 +90% 8000 0 0 0 11500
30 Gaur Lila d Pun Ind17386.50 na 8456 34 20 570 0
31 Ramrupa d Mum Ind17280.25 na 7357 7 0 1165 0
32 Vamandev d Pun Ind16942.00 na 8471 0 0 0 0
33 Sitaram d Mum Ind16452.75 na 6686 557 1692 6279 0
34 Kalanath Caitany Ahm Ind16000.00 na 8000 0 0 0 0
35 Sahasra Netra d New Ind15874.50 -44% 7914 0 0 150 90
36 Tulasi d Pun Ind15112.75 na 6751 94 61 2201 0
37 Sridhar Krishna Pun Ind14424.00 na 6269 228 158 3724 0
38 Saciputra d Mum Ind14141.75 na 6826 26 136 287 0
39 Gopal Champu d Pun Ind13089.75 na 6531 0 0 111 0
40 Jahnava dd Pune Pun Ind12936.00 na 6144 34 32 260 156
41 Varadraj d Pun Ind12467.25 na 6231 1 0 17 0
42 Prem Kirtan d Hyd Ind12465.50 na 5970 1 0 1666 0
43 Partha Prem d Kis Ken12415.00 na 1370 3963 2466 17628 0
44 Tarun Mohan d Hyd Ind12040.00 na 6020 0 0 0 0
45 Achyut Keshav d Pun Ind11889.25 na 5400 17 2 253 0
46 Achyut Gopal d Pun Ind11845.50 na 5906 8 9 84 0
47 Sundar Visvambha Pun Ind11763.75 +135% 5136 0 6 195 0
48 Jagdish Hari d Hyd Ind11212.00 na 5606 0 0 0 0
49 Rupavilas d Mum Ind11109.00 na 5479 17 22 348 0
50 Devakinandan d Mum Ind10566.25 na 5257 2 9 39 0
(%)Change compared (*)New record
to monthly average for this year

World Sankirtan Newsletter TOP 50 INDIVIDUALS December 2019

% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Individuals Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags

1 Hari Prasad d Bra Ind25322.25 na 12351 102 113 1847 0
2 Janardhan d Mum Ind25002.00 na 12501 0 0 0 0
3 Haresh Hari d Mum Ind22890.00 na 11445 0 0 0 0
4 Sundarvar d Pun Ind22327.25 na 11076 23 85 439 0
5 Samaveda d Mum Ind20766.00 na 10383 0 0 0 0
6 Sri Krishna Bhaj Pun Ind20000.00*+999% 10000* 0 0 0 0
7 Surdas d Mum Ind16242.00 na 8121 0 0 0 0
8 Premras d Mum Ind10944.00 na 2736 0 0 0 0
9 Jasomatinandan d Ahm Ind10307.80 na 5145 0 19 0 83
10 Caitanya Candra Nit Bra 9949.50* +61% 0 7830* 0 8478* 0
11 Mohan Rupa d New Ind 9181.60*+999% 4558* 0 1 260* 1
12 Hanuman d NDelhi New Ind 9181.60*+218% 4558* 0 1 260 1
13 Pandava Prema d New Ind 8768.00 na 4384 0 0 0 0
14 Gauranga d Mum Ind 8334.00 na 4167 0 0 0 0
15 Sacisuta Gaura d Ahm Ind 8120.00*+999% 4060* 0 0 0 0
16 Bhaktika dd Tir Ind 7538.50 na 2787 101 0 7334 300
17 Payonidhi d Mum Ind 7138.00 na 3569 0 0 0 0
18 HH Bhakti Brhad Dur SA 6835.25 na 120 4837 1393 4247 0
19 Bhrgupati d LA USA 6814.50*+213% 2346* 1491* 819* 888* 0
20 Rasa Sundari dd Alm Kaz 6805.00*+999% 2653* 330* 939* 2798* 0
21 Dhira Lalita d LA USA 6754.00*+362% 1696* 1751* 2394* 744* 0
22 Adwait Singh d Ahm Ind 6400.00 na 3200 0 0 0 0
23 Sumati Jahnavi Mum Ind 6390.50 na 3174 0 0 170 0
24 Jagatpati d Ahm Ind 6138.00 na 3069 0 0 0 0
25 Murli Mohan d Ahm Ind 6000.00*+999% 3000* 0 0 0 0
26 Prema Sankirtan LA USA 5713.10*+135% 1931* 62 1250* 1999* 121
27 Revati Raman d Tir Ind 5698.00 na 2849 0 0 0 0
28 Chitrak d Ahm Ind 5600.00 na 2800 0 0 0 0
29 Vrajendra Krishn Ujj Ind 5324.00 na 2416 40 40 0 0
30 Harisunder d New Ind 4892.00*+427% 2446* 0 0 0 0
31 Ranjan Mohan d New Ind 4892.00*+427% 2446* 0 0 0 0
32 Revati dd Mos Rus 4835.50*+999% 2324* 24 192* 270* 0
33 Ananda Govinda d Ahm Ind 4568.00*+817% 2284* 0 0 0 0
34 Dhamatma Gaur d Mum Ind 4550.00 na 2275 0 0 0 0
35 Gauranga Gadadha Ahm Ind 4384.00*+999% 2192* 0 0 0 0
36 Mahavadanyaya Ga Tir Ind 4348.80*+999% 2069* 71* 61* 322* 136*
37 Paramesvara d RVC USA 4163.30* +89% 601 880 86 1390 293
38 Shistastak d Mum Ind 4140.00 na 2070 0 0 0 0
39 Ananda Kirtan d LA USA 4107.50*+107% 847* 1480 380* 1552* 0
40 Mahakratu d Ahm Ind 4064.00 na 2032 0 0 0 0
41 Ranganayaki dd Tbi Geo 4027.50*+331% 1945* 0 150* 250* 0
42 Dvija Pitambar d Mel Aus 3928.75*+999% 1916* 0 0 99* 0
43 Gadadhara Prana Cat Ita 3793.50*+215% 1762* 0 539 0 0
44 Nandanandana Gov Tir Ind 3764.80* +74% 1612* 158* 136* 1098* 403*
45 HH Radhanatha Sw Mum Ind 3744.00 na 1872 0 0 0 0
46 Mahamantra d New Ind 3728.00 -18% 1864 0 0 0 0
47 Bramhananda Kris Tir Ind 3710.60*+547% 1694* 129* 60* 606* 64*
48 Rajendra Krishna Mos Rus 3648.00*+450% 1824* 0 0 0 0
49 Acharyaratna d Per Rus 3560.50*+194% 1437* 80* 720* 986 0
50 Vrajasundara d Cat Ita 3393.00 +100% 1456 0 962 0 0
(%)Change compared (*)New record
to monthly average for this year


World Sankirtan Newsletter ARABIC BOOK DISTRIBUTORS December 2019

Special Promotion Arabic Mahabig books 6 pts, Arabic Small books 3 pts

Arabic Arab Arabic Arabic Arab
Individuals Points M-Big Big Medium Small Mags

1 Paramesvara d RVC USA 1824.00 7 0 0 594 0
2 Prema Sankirtan LA USA 813.00 62 0 0 147 0
3 Munindra Gana d Sim Ger 675.00* 1 0 0 223 0
4 Ananda Kirtan d LA USA 432.00 27 0 0 90 0
5 Revatinandana d New Fra 210.00 3 0 0 64* 0
6 Lilamrita dd Col Ger 204.00 8 0 0 52 0
7 Advitya Baladeva Gol Ger 156.00 0 0 0 52 0
8 Govinda Kunda d Sim Ger 141.00 0 0 0 47 0
9 Bk Anish Col Ger 123.00 0 0 0 41* 0
10 Advaita Gaura Ha Hei Ger 108.00 0 0 0 36 0
11 Bk Jeroen Gol Ger 108.00 0 0 0 36 0
12 HH Janananda Gos Par Fra 102.00 3 0 0 28 0
13 Dana Keli dd Mun Ger 69.00 0 0 0 23* 0
14 Vamsi d Par Fra 66.00 0 0 0 22 0
15 Dayal Nitai d New Fra 57.00 2 0 0 15 0
16 Mitravinda dd Lei Ger 51.00* 0 0 0 17* 0
17 Varsha d Par Fra 48.00 3 0 0 10 0
18 Lekhasravanti dd Ber Ger 45.00 1 0 0 13 0
19 Bk Salim Col Ger 45.00 0 0 0 15 0
20 Rasikananda d Par Fra 36.00 0 0 0 12 0
21 Shastra-krt d Atl USA 30.00 0 0 0 10 0
22 Rupa Vilasa d Kol Ger 27.00 0 0 0 9* 0
23 Krpa Sindhu d Sim Ger 21.00 1 0 0 5 0
24 Vraja Mohana d SD USA 21.00 1 0 0 5 0
25 Gokularani dd New Fra 21.00 1 0 0 5 0
26 Dhira Lalita d LA USA 18.00 3 0 0 0 0
27 Madanalasa dd Ber Ger 18.00 0 0 0 6 0
28 Rupanuga Bhakti Par Fra 18.00 0 0 0 6 0
29 Bn Sofia Par Fra 15.00 1 0 0 3 0
30 Bk Julian Par Fra 15.00 2 0 0 1 0
31 Jaya Nitai d Ber Ger 12.00 0 0 0 4 0
32 Nitai Caran d Par Fra 9.00 1 0 0 1 0
33 Bn Karin Vie Aus 9.00 0 0 0 3 0
34 Gauranga Prema d LA USA 6.00 1 0 0 0 0
35 Cakradhara d Par Fra 3.00 0 0 0 1 0
36 Parama Karuna d Tor Eng 3.00 0 0 0 1 0


**** Page 6 ****


World Sankirtan Newsletter ALL COUNTRIES December 2019

% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Country (Temples) Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags

1 India (29) 3413838.25 -8%1623081 16785 19810 168773 112949
2 United States (26) 287734.85 +84% 96931 33125 26774 68782 6031
3 Russia, CIS (70) 133456.50 -28% 48242 12768 19257 57386 2295
4 United Kingdom (2) 99648.75 +5% 32306 2413 52632 19198 0
5 Kenya (3) 50442.20 -14% 13521 9354 5950 43720 332
6 South Africa (12) 47352.30 +94% 4068 27944 6382 28248 4793
7 Ukraine, CIS (20) 40899.50 -5% 13821 3119 11776 17002 0
8 Mexico (3) 40359.25 +11% 1096 36395 2440 1633 0
9 Hungary (2) 34707.50 +233% 11857 5006 366 21410 4520
10 Australia (4) 31128.70 +80% 14197 399 569 2234 167
11 Bangladesh (2) 30692.35 +112% 9394 2431 2496 7767 43756
12 Brazil (19) 23298.25 +2% 727 18280 15 14227 0
13 Kazakhstan, CIS 18345.50 +19% 6975 994 2176 9254 0
14 New Zealand (2) 17115.50 -9% 6126 2375 1228 6490 0
15 Italy (2) 16577.00 -30% 6453 0 7342 0 0
16 GermanyAustria (12) 15560.50 -17% 4590 2643 3107 2081 0
17 Canada (5) 12014.70 -32% 5171 334 1004 754 2
18 Lithuania (2) 7440.00 -11% 2302 1362 72 5752 0
19 Georgia, CIS 7395.75 na 3445 264 269 429 0
20 France (9) 5731.10 -13% 1916 152 1765 1230 311
21 Chile 4381.75 +74% 731 1026 8 3383 0
22 Croatia (3) 3943.50 +73% 1042 1795 126 6 0
23 Czech Republic (2) 3819.25 -68% 535 2600 0 597 0
24 Argentina (7) 3560.50 -46% 445 117 520 8742 0
25 Mauritius 3340.50 -3% 1379 7 8 2278 20
26 Slovenia 3200.50 -6% 73 490 493 9272 0
27 Switzerland 3016.25 +73% 668 659 951 1031 0
28 Belarus, CIS 2295.50 -61% 711 281 506 1358 0
29 Uruguay 2109.75 +999% 159 71 246 6391 0
30 Bulgaria 1654.25 -72% 153 735 796 861 0
31 Serbia 1103.75 na 0 1060 60 55 0
32 Spain 622.75 -88% 133 16 230 759 0
33 Korea 597.00 na 0 0 139 2110 0
34 Bosnia 555.25 +999% 175 90 33 395 0
35 Philippines 340.80 na 48 0 4 720 628
36 Norway 323.90 -67% 118 0 0 0 879
37 China 288.50 +21% 143 0 0 10 0
38 Togo 267.75 +320% 120 18 0 39 0
39 Romania 241.75 +85% 56 14 0 463 0
40 Nigeria 239.75 +102% 50 0 0 159 1000
41 Colombia 213.50 -83% 31 0 155 296 0
42 Zambia 185.50 -21% 86 3 4 18 40
43 Peru 135.00 na 16 6 10 368 0
44 Botswana 53.50 -35% 2 0 0 188 25
45 Ivory Coast 10.75 +65% 1 0 4 27 0
(%)Change compared
to Dec last year


**** Page 7 ****

World Sankirtan Newsletter ALL TEMPLES December 2019

% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Temples (size) Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags

1 Pune (L) Ind663471.20*+999% 314718* 1986* 1705* 21838* 4711*
2 New Delhi (L) Ind550307.15*+858% 268721* 1848 2023 7813 15654
3 Mumbai-Juhu (L) Ind427287.25*+999% 197951* 3020* 5840* 38853* 0
4 New Delhi(Punj.Bag Ind404019.25*+999% 200036* 86 345 987 16600
5 Mumbai-Chowpatty ( Ind297436.05*+999% 138594* 2998* 2216* 20997 566
6 Ahmedabad (M) Ind205531.80*+999% 102757* 0 19 0 83
7 Silicon Valley(ISV USA161211.45*+999% 59838* 8640* 8629* 32263* 1217
8 Mumbai-Kharghar (L Ind140627.50 na 70120 0 0 1550 0
9 Hyderabad (M) Ind133453.75*+999% 59310* 1728* 466 14259* 200*
10 Tirupati (L) Ind130761.75*+999% 55938* 790* 521* 12447*38365*
11 New Delhi(HK Cente Ind120753.00*+999% 60150* 0 7 550* 0
12 Chandigarh (S) Ind 78614.75*+999% 38788* 19 8 345 1194
13 Bhaktivedanta Mano Eng 66000.50*+999% 21135* 1782 33630* 14501* 0
14 Mumbai-Mira Road ( Ind 56000.00*+999% 28000* 0 0 0 0
15 Los Angeles (L) USA 52663.50*+249% 12828* 15355* 6849* 13001 2980
16 Surat (S) Ind 50511.50*+999% 23844* 58 30 5528* 174
17 London-Soho (M) Eng 33648.25*+999% 11171* 631* 19002* 4697* 0
18 Durban (L) Sou 29221.75*+999% 2978* 16321* 2099* 21373* 3000*
19 Nairobi (S) Ken 27684.70*+999% 7101* 5291* 3434* 25622* 332*
20 Melbourne (L) Aus 25072.45*+954% 11525* 363* 81 1579* 2
21 Dhaka-Swamibag (L) Ban 24145.60*+516% 7716* 1643* 1745* 7322*43676
22 Nagpur (M) Ind 24000.00 na 12000 0 0 0 0
23 Budapest (L) Hun 23848.65*+927% 8369* 3146* 366* 14333* 1984
24 Ujjain (L) Ind 23353.50*+867% 10194* 900* 1100* 1150* 400
25 Salem (M) Ind 21376.45*+681% 6214* 1751* 306* 22739* 332
26 Cueramaro (S) Mex 21056.25*+361% 879* 17776* 1940 1633 0
27 Mexico City (M) Mex 18633.00*+372% 217 18199* 0 0 0
28 Moscow-Gita Nagari Rus 18541.25*+272% 8112* 1289 1347* 1419 0
29 Almaty (L) Kaz 18345.50*+999% 6975* 994* 2176* 9254* 0
30 Bangalore Whitefie Ind 17937.25 na 8613 352 77 949 114
31 New York Harinam ( USA 14245.00*+212% 3982* 3016* 4174* 3128* 0
32 Moscow (L) Rus 14232.00*+418% 5606* 563* 1970* 5888* 0
33 Sankirtan Dham TST Ita 13773.50*+175% 5785* 0 4407 0 0
34 Moscow-Goloka Dham Rus 13418.50*+464% 5748* 689 860 3214* 0
35 Panihati (S) Ind 13008.50*+999% 6293* 45 25 728* 750*
36 Kisumu (S) Ken 12415.00*+999% 1370* 3963* 2466* 17628* 0
37 Kiev (L) Ukr 11033.25*+999% 3780* 718* 2484* 6053* 0
38 Chicago (S) USA 10874.25*+257% 4547* 683 104 4181 0
39 New Vrajadham-Hung Hun 10858.85*+999% 3488* 1860* 0 7077* 2536
40 Mombasa (S) Ken 10342.50 na 5050 100 50 470 0
41 Wellington (S) New 10331.50*+999% 4300* 520* 492* 3430* 0
42 Nitai Gauranga TSK Bra 9949.50* +61% 0 7830* 0 8478* 0
43 Moscow-Bhaktivedan Rus 9706.75 na 3948 1091 970 939 0
44 Mangalore (S) Ind 9290.00 na 4390 0 300 0 0
45 St. Petersburg (L) Rus 9238.00*+290% 3431* 1112* 1376* 2304 0
46 Toronto (S) Can 8221.95*+298% 3581* 280* 588* 503 2
47 Baramati (L) Ind 8146.00 na 4073 0 0 0 0
48 Tirunelveli (S) Ind 7556.85*+175% 2253* 5 1 6015*14696*
49 Madurai (S) Ind 7481.20*+169% 1959* 23 1 5868*18927
50 Tbilisi (M) Geo 7395.75*+295% 3445* 264 269 429* 0
51 Bharuch (S) Ind 7387.00*+362% 3033* 14 38 400 0
52 Perm (M) Rus 7289.50*+344% 2812* 180* 1188* 3566* 0
53 Phoenix(SA) (S) Sou 7039.75*+999% 496* 5540* 129* 1473* 750*
54 Auckland Loft (S) New 6784.00*+283% 1826* 1855* 736* 3060* 0
55 Dhaka-Uttara (S) Ban 6546.75 +999% 1678 788 751 445 80
56 Vilnius (S) Lit 6257.75*+999% 1998* 1125* 72* 4403* 0
57 Dnepropetrovsk (S) Ukr 6246.00*+999% 2199* 1056* 1003* 1162* 0
58 Simhachalam (M) Ger 6130.00*+348% 1664* 1259* 1172* 760* 0
59 Rovno (MS) Ukr 5844.00 na 2682 100 70 1380 0
60 Baltimore (MS) USA 5669.00 +53% 1881 1399* 1 14 0
61 Washington D.C. (M USA 5664.00*+999% 2832* 0 0 0 0
62 Kharkov (S) Ukr 5527.25*+999% 2180* 50* 704* 3061* 0
63 Moscow-Nagornaya ( Rus 5498.00 na 2749 0 0 0 0
64 RupanugaVedicColle USA 5354.55* +68% 962 1130 177 2035 418
65 Sydney-North (M) Aus 5305.75 +38% 2390 31 443 517 0
66 New York City (M) USA 4638.75*+338% 1477* 415* 466* 1633* 0
67 Omsk (S) Rus 4638.50*+999% 1719* 215* 738 2466* 0
68 Santiago (S) Chi 4381.75*+558% 731* 1026* 8 3383* 0
69 Laguna Beach (S) USA 4051.00*+244% 1175* 1130* 80 804 420
70 Izevsk (S) Rus 4018.00*+401% 880* 964* 1117* 2942* 0
71 Itajai (MS) Bra 3966.75 +280% 227* 3458 2 215 0
72 Rostov-na-Donu (M) Rus 3768.50 na 1464 420 259 1164 0
73 Porto Alegre (MS) Bra 3608.75 +229% 122* 3272 8 355 0
74 Padayatra India (S Ind 3592.75 +10% 1459 46 0 2515 0
75 Chelyabinsk (S) Rus 3474.30*+999% 674* 386* 1006* 4558* 978
76 Nizhny Novgorod (S Rus 3465.50*+980% 1504* 264* 207* 360* 0
77 Cologne(Gauradesh) Ger 3436.25*+702% 1189* 270 591* 556* 0
78 Zagreb (S) Cro 3396.50*+614% 956* 1432* 102 6 0
79 Seattle (S) USA 3356.25*+330% 1264* 297* 82* 1247* 545
80 Phoenix(MA) (S) Mau 3340.50*+537% 1379* 7 8 2278 20
81 Visakhapatnam TSKP Ind 3336.50 na 19 700 4527 1300 100
82 Odessa (S) Ukr 3304.50*+999% 1176* 122* 1437* 448* 0
83 Vancouver (S) Can 3272.00*+390% 1387* 5 368 84 0
84 Amravati (S) Ind 3226.05*+765% 1500* 35* 150* 431* 83*
85 Ljubljana (S) Slo 3200.50*+999% 73* 490* 493* 9272* 0
86 Vladivostok (M) Rus 3187.25*+999% 869* 305* 1000* 2577* 0
87 Zurich (S) Swi 3016.25*+349% 668* 659 951* 1031* 0
88 Dallas (M) USA 2983.00* +70% 1203* 32 237 410 0
89 Milan (M) Ita 2803.50*+237% 668* 0 2935* 0 0
90 Solapur (S) Ind 2758.00 na 1253 0 0 0 0
91 Prague (M) Cze 2712.75*+115% 465* 1651* 0 527 0
92 New Mayapur (S) Fra 2592.25*+812% 906* 36 739* 429 125
93 Kazan (S) Rus 2472.75*+460% 733* 92* 1061* 1537* 0
94 Paris (S) Fra 2455.45*+334% 803* 86 727* 537 177
95 Ufa (S) Rus 2415.50*+400% 712* 11 139 3644* 0
96 Taganrog (S) Rus 2308.75 na 762 690 61 257 0
97 Minsk (M) Bel 2295.50*+162% 711* 281* 506* 1358 0
98 Pretoria (MS) Sou 2259.00*+999% 51* 2063* 15 346* 0
99 Hillsborough, NC ( USA 2255.25 +167% 389 50 1768* 2029* 0
100 Kishinev (MS) Ukr 2198.00*+999% 368* 17* 2890* 0 0
101 Montevideo (MS) Uru 2109.75*+999% 159 71 246 6391* 0
102 Buenos Aires (M) Arg 2047.75 +132% 344* 100 323 3961 0
103 Ekaterinburg (M) Rus 2044.25*+228% 490* 91 820* 2253* 0
104 Yaroslavl (S) Rus 2038.50 na 714 326 84 970 0
105 Lenasia (S) Sou 2020.35*+777% 29 1854* 32* 155* 536*
106 San Diego (M) USA 2011.00*+299% 397* 361* 950* 1447* 15
107 Goloka Dhama (S) Ger 1973.00*+873% 603* 247 428* 190* 0
108 Padayatra Uttar Pr Ind 1926.25*+249% 856* 86* 76* 361 0
109 Donetsk (M) Ukr 1892.25 na 193 546 1396 1049 0
110 Houston (S) USA 1882.50 +80% 589 223 723* 480 0
111 Tyumen (S) Rus 1793.25*+327% 589* 90* 418* 1265* 0
112 Mantra Lounge (Phi USA 1765.75 +14% 435 25 1249* 841* 0
113 Cape Town (S) Sou 1738.95*+999% 245* 582* 433* 1711* 227
114 Denver (M) USA 1698.25 +10% 461 176 227 1092 200*
115 Curitiba (M) Bra 1675.25 +276% 50* 1330 0 981 0
116 Hartford (MS) USA 1657.75*+210% 772* 4 124 191* 0
117 Sofia (MS) Bul 1654.25 -5% 153 735 796 861 0
118 Kirov (S) Rus 1569.50*+643% 403* 49* 764* 1330* 0
119 Atlanta (S) USA 1564.00*+184% 586* 0 120 210 0
120 Midrand (S) Sou 1528.00*+999% 0 0 3056* 0 0
121 Barnaul (S) Rus 1473.75*+999% 344* 140 298 1987* 0
122 Simferopol (S) Ukr 1432.50*+745% 499* 60* 415* 668* 0
123 Pietermaritzburg ( Sou 1421.75 na 5 1348 17 221 0
124 Florianopolis (MS) Bra 1409.00 +187% 119* 1020 0 604 0
125 Ivanovo (S) Rus 1346.50 +118% 444 138 311 660 0
126 Sandton (S) Sou 1338.70*+554% 103* 172* 576* 2606* 212*
127 Heidelberg (MS) Ger 1337.25*+762% 493* 100 165* 279* 0
128 Tula (S) Rus 1324.75*+999% 165* 854* 123* 317* 0
129 Cherepovets (S) Rus 1293.50*+999% 330* 409* 144* 610* 0
130 Krasnodar (S) Rus 1237.00*+366% 532* 36* 100 348 0
131 Berlin (S) Ger 1209.00*+477% 235* 488* 274* 187* 0
132 Krasnoyarsk (S) Rus 1201.25*+424% 423* 150* 122* 577 0
133 Kaunas (S) Lit 1182.25 +137% 304* 237 0 1349 0
134 Krsnuv Dvur (M) Cze 1106.50*+354% 70* 949* 0 70* 0
135 Belgrade (MS) Ser 1103.75 +814% 0 1060 60 55 0
136 Tucson (S) USA 1032.50*+193% 487* 5 24 158 20
137 New Talavan (S) USA 1023.00 +4% 386 7 439 98 0
138 Habarovsk (S) Rus 996.50*+471% 0 996* 1 0 0
139 Novosibirsk (M) Rus 983.50 na 243 44 458 898 0
140 Kovrov (S) Rus 801.00*+122% 150* 99* 227* 1154* 0
141 Gaura Vrndavana Fa Bra 732.50*+321% 3* 601* 0 502* 0
142 New Orleans (S) USA 723.00 +39% 41 26 183 2094 0
143 Mariupol (S) Ukr 702.75 na 91 143 358 795 0
144 Nellore (M) Ind 687.00 -7% 45 295* 29 1150 0
145 Saltillo (MS) Mex 670.00*+115% 0 420* 500* 0 0
146 Tomsk (S) Rus 658.00*+999% 214* 90* 47 466* 0
147 Essentuki (S) Rus 653.25*+224% 132 90* 177* 843* 0
148 Barcelona (MS) Spa 622.75*+173% 133* 16 230* 759 0
149 Zaporozhye (S) Ukr 616.75*+341% 172* 107* 148* 367* 0
150 Munich (S) Ger 615.00 -13% 160 137* 178 23 0
151 Samara (M) Rus 608.25*+999% 245* 0 93* 287 0
152 Khmelnitsky (MS) Ukr 603.75 na 87 166 153 749 0
153 Seoul (S) Kor 597.00 na 0 0 139 2110 0
154 Mendoza (MS) Arg 560.00*+846% 20* 4 5 2054* 0
155 Sarajevo (S) Bos 555.25*+999% 175* 90* 33* 395* 0
156 Tolyatti (S) Rus 509.00*+432% 102* 25* 96* 928* 0
157 Naberezhi Chelhi ( Rus 498.00 na 82 49 104 932 0
158 Perth (S) Aus 494.55 +150% 167* 0 44 57 163
159 Brihad Mridanga Br Bra 493.00* +30% 0 493* 0 0 0
160 East London(SA) (S Sou 486.05*+999% 118* 18* 2 57* 8*
161 NY Bhakti Center ( USA 470.75* +52% 120* 84* 99* 389* 0
162 Chernigov (MS) Ukr 466.50*+999% 143* 27* 150* 314* 0
163 Severodvinsk (S) Rus 446.50*+218% 85* 50 92* 722* 0
164 Siktivkar (S) Rus 434.00*+788% 0 257* 174* 360* 0
165 Vladimir (S) Rus 430.50*+894% 144* 72* 24* 234* 0
166 Rosario (S) Arg 423.50*+999% 8 0 124 1382* 0
167 Split (S) Cro 407.50*+999% 79 244 11 0 0
168 Laguna (S) Phi 340.80 na 48 0 4 720 628
169 Rybinsk (S) Rus 334.50*+999% 123* 4* 16* 306* 0
170 New York Queens (S USA 329.00 -33% 104 53 0 272 0
171 Miami (S) USA 328.45 -9% 53 1 65 675 202
172 Oslo (S) Nor 323.90 +7% 118 0 0 0 879*
173 Rio de Janeiro (S) Bra 322.75*+183% 102* 27 0 367* 0
174 Santa Isabel (S) Bra 293.75*+298% 7* 67 0 851* 0
175 Novokuznetzk (S) Rus 293.50*+410% 0 0 587* 0 0
176 New Vrajadham-Braz Bra 293.50 -17% 10* 15 0 1034 0
177 Shanghai (S) Chi 288.50 -79% 143 0 0 10* 0
178 Lvov (MS) Ukr 284.25*+999% 59* 5* 170 305* 0
179 Lome (S) Tog 267.75 +62% 120* 18 0 39 0
180 Arhangelsk (S) Rus 263.75*+291% 48* 38* 61* 397* 0
181 Cordoba (S) Arg 263.25*+230% 32* 1 42 709* 0
182 Berdsk (S) Rus 261.50 na 12 52 76 590 0
183 Brisbane (S) Aus 255.95 +22% 115 5 1 81 2
184 Montreal (S) Can 253.75 -28% 83 38 33 133 0
185 Nuernberg (MS) Ger 252.50*+238% 61* 38* 180* 10* 0
186 Sao Joaquim de Bic Bra 246.25 +27% 9* 110* 0 473 0
187 Paris Yoga Lyrics Fra 244.50*+288% 95* 0 29 68 0
188 Timisoara (S) Rom 241.75 +62% 56 14 0 463 0
189 Lagos (M) Nig 239.75 -34% 50 0 0 159 1000
190 Belgorod (S) Rus 230.45*+626% 106* 3* 11* 33* 17
191 Kotlas (S) Rus 226.00*+999% 47* 39 75 222* 0
192 Saranagati Farm (M Can 217.00*+304% 102* 7 3 18* 0
193 Bogota (S) Col 213.50 na 31 0 155 296 0
194 Sacramento (S) USA 211.50 -20% 91 6 0 90 10
195 Mar Del Plata (S) Arg 205.00 +236% 27 3 17 558 0
196 Severodonetsk (S) Ukr 201.50 na 42 0 110 250 0
197 Murmansk (S) Rus 190.00*+518% 46* 12* 38* 268* 0
198 Penza (S) Rus 188.50 +35% 54 1 35 248* 0
199 Lusaka (MS) Zam 185.50*+409% 86* 3* 4 18 40*
200 Wiesbaden (S) Ger 182.00*+200% 90* 1 2 0 0
201 Normandy (MS) Fra 175.25*+301% 47* 27* 62* 93* 0
202 Kemerovo (S) Rus 173.00 na 0 0 86 0 1300
203 Port Elizabeth (S) Sou 167.75*+420% 38 9* 4 11* 60*
204 Vienna (S) Ger 161.00*+300% 25 67* 59* 25 0
205 Uhta (S) Rus 160.50 -64% 40 20 9 224 0
206 Lipezk (S) Rus 158.50 na 26 12 46 286 0
207 Leipzig (S) Ger 149.00*+648% 39* 12 13 23* 0
208 Vinniza (MS) Ukr 139.50*+973% 60* 0 4 70* 0
209 Osijek (S) Cro 139.50*+870% 7* 119* 13* 0 0
210 Lima (L) Per 135.00* +14% 16* 6 10 368* 0
211 Ilskiy (S) Rus 129.75 na 55 8 16 15 0
212 Krasnoturinsk (S) Rus 125.25* +19% 34 0 1 227 0
213 Sao Paulo (S) Bra 123.00 +21% 53* 0 0 68 0
214 Reunion Island (MS Fra 121.25 +12% 18 0 143* 55 0
215 Lutsk (S) Ukr 112.25 -58% 49 0 1 55 0
216 German Congregatio Ger 103.25*+115% 27* 24* 37 27* 0
217 Velikiy Novgorod ( Rus 103.00 -2% 15 0 14 264* 0
218 Nikolaev (MS) Ukr 102.50 na 0 0 110 190 0
219 Jaladuta Institute Bra 95.75*+178% 17* 50 4 39 0
220 Usinsk (S) Rus 92.50*+999% 22* 18 0 122 0
221 Kherson (S) Ukr 88.00*+189% 29* 2 33* 46 0
222 Rubtsovsk (S) Rus 81.00 na 0 0 162 0 0
223 Tours (S) Fra 75.85*+271% 26* 2 40* 7 1
224 Harrisburg (MS) USA 71.40 na 31 7 4 0 4
225 Mpumalanga (S) Sou 69.00 na 0 15 11 194 0
226 Tiraspol (S) Ukr 67.50*+999% 0 0 135* 0 0
227 Hammanskraal (S) Sou 61.25 na 5 22 8 101 0
228 Stavropol (S) Rus 56.50*+999% 21 4 3 36* 0
229 Gaborone (S) Bot 53.50* +37% 2 0 0 188 25*
230 Biysk (S) Rus 53.00 na 0 53 0 0 0
231 Halifax (MS) Can 50.00 +27% 18* 4 12* 16 0
232 Vorkuta (S) Rus 47.00 na 8 14 4 60 0
233 Gorno-Altaysk (S) Rus 40.00 na 0 40 0 0 0
234 Dijon (MS) Fra 38.10 -54% 11 1 13 32 6
235 Ceara(Fortaleza) ( Bra 36.75 na 2 0 0 131 0
236 Berdiansk (S) Ukr 36.50 na 12 0 5 40 0
237 Chaykovskiy (S) Rus 36.00 na 12 0 24 0 0
238 Bahia Blanca (S) Arg 31.75 na 6 5 6 47 0
239 Kurgan (S) Rus 31.00 +65% 9 1 12* 24 0
240 Blagovestensk (S) Rus 30.25* +8% 1* 22 4 17 0
241 Yurga (S) Rus 30.00 na 0 30 0 0 0
242 Kovdor (S) Rus 29.75 -45% 0 14 0 63 0
243 Parana (S) Arg 29.25 +13% 8* 4 3 31 0
244 Recife (MS) Bra 22.25 -51% 4 2 0 49 0
245 Lorraine (MS) Fra 21.95*+999% 7 0 11* 9* 2*
246 Magnitogorsk (S) Rus 17.00 -66% 7 2 0 4 0
247 Prokopievsk (S) Rus 16.00 na 0 16 0 0 0
248 Belovo (S) Rus 14.00 na 0 14 0 0 0
249 Hamburg (S) Ger 12.25*+717% 4 0 8* 1 0
250 Abidjan (S) Ivo 10.75 -54% 1 0 4* 27 0
251 Bahia(Salvador) (S Bra 10.25 na 0 0 0 41 0
252 Brasilia (MS) Bra 9.50 +29% 1 0 0 30* 0
253 Leninsk (S) Rus 8.00 na 0 8 0 0 0
254 Campina Grande (S) Bra 7.75 -99% 0 5 1 9 0
255 Strasburg (MS) Fra 6.50 -27% 3 0 1* 0 0
256 Naryan-Mar (S) Rus 6.50 na 2 1 1 4 0
257 Tihonkoe (S) Rus 6.00 na 0 6 0 0 0
258 Elekmonar (S) Rus 5.00 na 0 5 0 0 0
259 Ust-Koksa (S) Rus 5.00 na 0 5 0 0 0
260 Portal do Avataras Bra 2.00 -89% 1 0 0 0 0
(%)Change compared (*)New high
to monthly average this year


**** Page 8 ****


World Sankirtan Newsletter PRABHUPADA DIKSA DISCIPLES December 2019

% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Prabhupada Disciples Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags

1 Jasomatinandan d Ahm Ind10307.80 na 5145 0 19 0 83
2 Bhrgupati d LA USA 6814.50*+213% 2346* 1491* 819* 888* 0
3 HH Bhakti Caru S Ujj Ind 3192.00* +48% 1398* 0 0 0 0
4 Nidra dd Den USA 1231.75* +64% 334* 159 96 915 200*
5 Mohanasini dd New USA 1023.00 +6% 386 7 439 98 0
6 HH Janananda Gos Par Fra 635.75*+475% 179* 57* 184* 121* 95*
7 Cakri d Dallas Dal USA 333.50 -24% 137 0 29 180 0
8 Drumila d New USA 308.50 -2% 0 0 0 1234 0
9 Rohini-suta d St. Rus 262.00 na 131 0 0 0 0
10 HH Bhakti Busana Mon Uru 158.00*+386% 79* 0 0 0 0
11 Svavasa d LA USA 144.00 na 48 48 0 0 0
12 Veda d LA USA 103.50 na 48 0 0 30 0
13 Mayapur Sasi d LA USA 48.00 na 24 0 0 0 0
14 Misra Bhagavan d Dal USA 12.50 +38% 4* 0 0 18 0
(%)Change compared (*)New record
to monthly average for this year


**** Page 9 ****


World Sankirtan Newsletter TOP TEN COUNTRIES (CUMULATIVE) January thru December, 2019

% M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Country (Temples) Points Change Books Books Books Books Mags

1 India (39) 5945033.40 -15%2627979 149398 129801 1066496 605129
2 United States (33) 887351.80 +6% 291466 133138 114223 316623 53511
3 Russia, CIS (90) 302572.80 -18% 103891 27803 49310 168110 3053
4 United Kingdom (2) 153714.25 +11% 48376 7464 76808 38344 0
5 Mexico (6) 139569.50 +36% 4674 118292 17507 12128 0
6 Brazil (34) 125466.75 +22% 2355 89593 361 123931 5
7 Bangladesh (5) 118916.80 +70% 35565 11787 13637 43000 142338
8 Italy (10) 100890.60 -1% 32258 0 71951 0 3991
9 Australia (4) 99944.30 +80% 43810 2891 7763 15176 2818
10 Hungary (2) 64970.45+304% 19684 8616 712 57207 23287
(%)Change compared to Jan-Dec 2018


World Sankirtan Newsletter TOP TEN TEMPLES (CUMULATIVE) January thru December, 2019

Points % M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Temples (size) (Months) Change Books Books Books Books Mags

1 New Delhi (L) Ind1181954.05(12) -36%531966 25104 20321 169915 115770
2 Pune (L) Ind 802707.20(10)* +38%373831* 4809* 5576* 78736 20041
3 Mayapur (L) Ind 775992.50(11) -33%322467 49902 40659 172356 3100
4 Mumbai-Juhu ( Ind 612645.75(10)* +11%267081* 11344* 22809 160013* 0
5 New Delhi(Pun Ind 569188.25(12) -21%272529 1174* 7764 62529* 16600
6 Mumbai-Chowpa Ind 342657.20(10)* +41%153040* 3714* 2697* 65464* 14169*
7 Silicon Valle USA 278227.20(12)* +59%109813* 17184* 14490* 54628* 1217*
8 Tirupati (L) Ind 239822.55(12) -2% 94889* 4369* 4068* 40063 95604
9 Ahmedabad (M) Ind 221891.75( 9) -21%109823 0 2932* 2753 915
10 Los Angeles ( USA 218836.30(12)* +10% 52116* 65680* 32533 104613 18248*
(%)Change compared (*)Better than
to Jan-Dec 2018 last year


World Sankirtan Newsletter TEAM BOOK DISTRIBUTION (CUMULATIVE) January thru December, 2019

Points % M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Individuals (Months) Change Books Books Books Books Mags

1 Sunder Gop New Ind137953.00( 4)* +22% 68266* 29 157 1998 220
2 Vichitra K New Ind120290.45( 1) -14% 60047 0 4 153 1562
3 Sundar Cai Mum Ind120044.25( 1)* +48% 58702* 323* 250 2721* 0
4 Madhusunda New Ind115414.50( 6) -33% 49435 6789 3382 31826 0
5 Vaikuntha Ahm Ind 80000.00( 1)* +31% 40000* 0 0 0 0
6 Krishna Bh New Ind 70000.00( 1) 0% 35000 0 0 0 0
7 Vijay Gopi Pun Ind 66877.50( 1)*+176% 32917* 0 0 430* 0
8 Leela Para Tir Ind 63696.20( 1)* +23% 25168* 0 0 0 32408*
9 Sri Karta New Ind 61750.00( 2) -23% 26000 0 0 39000 0
10 Ugra Nrsim Pun Ind 60052.50( 1)*+147% 27224* 152* 156* 618* 0
11 Rukmini Kr New Ind 60000.00( 1) 0% 30000 0 0 0 0
12 Hanuman d New Ind 55783.50( 4) -64% 22196 1 2181 41200 0
13 Sunder Mad New Ind 54562.00( 4) -15% 26001 470 1330 5700 0
14 HH Jayapat May Ind 53574.25(10)* +6% 24568 2044* 2064* 5169* 700
15 Ajanma Kri New Ind 50770.85( 3) -31% 24995 32* 99* 1341* 41*
16 Hara d Mum Ind 47072.50( 1)* +30% 23109* 19* 49* 76 0
17 Neel Kanth New Ind 45402.50( 4) -81% 8000* 0 0 0 93537
18 Sahasra Ne New Ind 44166.50( 2) -27% 22060 0 0 150 90
19 Radheshyam Pun Ind 40717.25( 1) na 11031 0 4 2325 0
20 Sundar Vis Pun Ind 36770.50( 6) -3% 16303 49 274* 10154 0
21 Vishnu Bha Ahm Ind 32192.00( 1) -46% 16096 0 0 0 0
22 Jaydev d Pun Ind 30969.25( 1)* +93% 15412* 2* 31 511* 0
23 Tusta Bala May Ind 30766.00( 2) -18% 14993 520 20 1000 0
24 Dauji Nita Pun Ind 29798.50( 1)*+195% 14217* 13* 13* 772* 0
25 Nitya Mukt Tir Ind 27050.50( 1) -43% 13034 0 0 0 2358
26 Jugal Kish Pun Ind 25920.00( 1) na 12907 8 23 346 0
27 Kadamba Kr Pun Ind 25348.25( 1) na 12671 0 0 25 0
28 Revati Ram Mum Ind 25221.50( 1) na 12447 153 1 120 0
29 Sarva Priy New Ind 24938.00( 2) -44% 12453 0 0 120 20
30 Shuddha Ni Pun Ind 24018.00( 1) na 12009 0 0 0 0
31 Vrajendra New Ind 23288.00( 1) na 11644 0 0 0 0
32 Kanai Thak Pun Ind 23093.50( 1) na 11254 119 65 584 0
33 Krishna Ki Nai Ken 20853.40( 3) -16% 5759 3348 1825 20298 4
34 Deena Naya New Ind 20795.00( 2)* na 10380* 0 0 100 100
35 Radhika Ka Mum Ind 20602.75( 1) na 10218 63 1 269 0
36 Bhagavat A Mum Ind 19876.25( 1) na 7947 465 720 5285 0
37 Jalatala d Mum Ind 19028.25( 1) na 9090 203 604 797 0
38 Gaur Lila Pun Ind 17386.50( 1)* +27% 8456* 34 20 570* 0
39 Ramrupa d Mum Ind 17280.25( 1) -22% 7357 7 0 1165* 0
40 Vamandev d Pun Ind 16942.00( 1) -11% 8471 0 0 0 0
41 Sitaram d Mum Ind 16452.75( 1) na 6686 557 1692 6279 0
42 Kalanath C Ahm Ind 16000.00( 1) na 8000 0 0 0 0
43 Tulasi d Pun Ind 15112.75( 1) na 6751 94 61 2201 0
44 Sridhar Kr Pun Ind 14424.00( 1) na 6269 228 158 3724 0
45 Saciputra Mum Ind 14141.75( 1) na 6826 26 136 287 0
46 Gopal Cham Pun Ind 13089.75( 1) -16% 6531 0 0 111* 0
47 Jahnava dd Pun Ind 12936.00( 1) na 6144 34 32 260 156
48 Varadraj d Pun Ind 12467.25( 1) na 6231 1 0 17 0
49 Prem Kirta Hyd Ind 12465.50( 1) na 5970 1 0 1666 0
50 Partha Pre Kis Ken 12415.00( 1)* +17% 1370 3963* 2466 17628* 0
(%)Change compared (*)Better than
to Jan-Dec 2018 last year


World Sankirtan Newsletter TOP 50 INDIVIDUALS (CUMULATIVE) January thru December, 2019

Points % M-Big Big Medium Small BTGs
Individuals (Months) Change Books Books Books Books Mags

1 Tusta Bala May Ind 86265.50( 8)* +49% 40531* 80 47 2400 0
2 Caitanya C Nit Bra 65420.00(10)* +3% 2 51576* 0 55360* 0
3 Ananta Ana May Ind 65351.00( 8)* +31% 31188* 970* 1600* 4100* 0
4 Nava Gaura Tir Ind 38502.05(12)* +63% 16827* 1219* 1140* 12187 123*
5 Sri Karta New Ind 32095.50(10) +31% 12887 0 4659 15968 0
6 Bhrgupati LA USA 30763.05(12)*+383% 10130* 8902* 1803* 2623 438
7 Prema Sank LA USA 30041.25(11) -18% 7779 6661 6899* 14650 580*
8 Parameswar May Ind 28748.75( 6) -11% 1124 19599* 7107 13393* 0
9 Nandananda Tir Ind 27586.50(12)* +20% 11630* 1239* 1291* 8838* 2325
10 Manarama G May Ind 27271.75( 9)* +82% 12699* 521 1904 1603 0
11 Paramesvar RVC USA 26197.85(11)* +1% 6696 7089 1247* 10421* 8266
12 Tusta Ram May Ind 26029.25( 9) -4% 12325 1069* 336* 569 0
13 Hari Prasa Bra Ind 25322.25( 5) na 12351 102 113 1847 0
14 Janardhan Mum Ind 25002.00( 1)*+227% 12501* 0 0 0 0
15 Devavrata LA USA 23275.25(10) -20% 8012 5611 1246 4069 0
16 Haresh Har Mum Ind 22890.00( 1)* +93% 11445* 0 0 0 0
17 Dhira Lali LA USA 22841.75(12)* na 5765* 5577* 7725* 6577* 0
18 Sundarvar Pun Ind 22327.25( 1)* +73% 11076* 23 85 439 0
19 Ananda Kir LA USA 22008.50(10) -27% 6149 7400 490 6840 0
20 Raganuga H Mum Ind 21376.00( 6) -24% 7205 1816 6460 7680 0
21 Samaveda d Mum Ind 20766.00( 1)* +23% 10383* 0 0 0 0
22 Sri Krishn Pun Ind 20100.00( 2) na 10050 0 0 0 0
23 Mayapur Ca May Ind 19874.75( 4)* +36% 4581 8795* 1781* 2669 0
24 Hanuman d New Ind 17840.85( 4)* na 6580* 2052 2052* 6411* 1
25 Radha Krsn Mum Ind 17554.00( 9) -41% 7106 1108 2313 4310 0
26 Nitya Mukt Tir Ind 17471.05(11) +4% 42 3 0 45 42552
27 Bhagavat A Mum Ind 17462.75( 8) -46% 7808 508 425 4505 0
28 Patit Uddh May Ind 17455.50( 7) -30% 7884 144 53 308 0
29 Hemagiri d Mum Ind 17359.50( 9) -12% 6204 1126 2224 10854 0
30 Surdas d Mum Ind 16242.00( 1)*+188% 8121* 0 0 0 0
31 Gadadhara Cat Ita 15826.20(11)* +13% 6011* 0 7598* 0 52
32 Rana Pra May Ind 15512.75( 8) na 6096 416 21 9705 0
33 Gauranga P LA USA 15488.25(12) -30% 3226 6182* 3430* 4541 0
34 Vrajasunda Cat Ita 15280.80( 8)* +8% 5926* 0 6854 0 18
35 Nitai Lila Cat Ita 15253.80(11) -1% 5095 0 10120* 0 38
36 Tirtha Kri Tir Ind 14921.20(12) -10% 6015 834* 858* 4794 3936*
37 Radha Pati Mum Ind 13954.75( 6) na 2825 22 2 33127 0
38 Ranganayak Tbi Geo 13374.25(11)* na 6128* 150 1384 1105* 0
39 Binayanand May Ind 13358.50( 9)* +1% 6256 43 273 1372 0
40 Acharyarat Per Rus 13261.50( 9)* +42% 4580* 271* 3228 8866* 0
41 Durlabha P May Ind 13049.25( 7)*+300% 5644* 287* 679* 939* 0
42 Rangapriya Tbi Geo 12507.50(11)* na 5685* 232 1329 964* 0
43 Krishna Ki Tir Ind 12214.00( 5)* +14% 5602* 303* 195 2438 0
44 Krsna Rupa Cat Ita 11448.30(11)* +14% 4202* 0 6075 0 68
45 Narayan Pa Sha Chi 11435.00(10)*+295% 5715* 0 0 20 0
46 Ugra Nrsim Pun Ind 11332.00( 5) na 5574 27 90 448 0
47 Mahalaxmi Mel Aus 11270.25(11)* na 4952* 604* 936* 1033* 0
48 Premras d Mum Ind 10944.00( 1)* +21% 2736 0 0 0 0
49 Mohan Rupa New Ind 10823.85( 3)* na 5379* 0 1 261* 1
50 Jasomatina Ahm Ind 10307.80( 1) na 5145 0 19 0 83
(%)Change compared (*)Better than
to Jan-Dec 2018 last year


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