Brain-Washing case on ISKCON: First day the Judgment

Indian man: Historical judgment.

Prabhupada: Yes. I was expecting to fight that case at least for some years, but by Krsna’s grace, he has given on the first day the judgment.

Indian man: Was it argued on also?

Prabhupada: No. Simply we presented our statement. I advised them that “You take my eighty-four books and present before the judge that ‘Our statements are here. First of all, you read these books, then you give your judgment.’ ”

Indian man: Prabhupada’s judgment.

Prabhupada: Yes. So [laughs] Krsna has given him the sense that from the ordinary statement he has understood the whole thing, and he has given judgment immediately. I never exp… This is all Krsna’s arrangement. [Bg. 18.61].
[The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone’s heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities, who are seated as on a machine, made of the material energy.]

He is in everyone’s heart, so He has dictated that “You give judgment like this.” Otherwise, it was impossible. In many courts… We have been harassed in Australia, many, many because they are afraid. Now Krsna consciousness movement is advancing. One politician has said that “This movement is increasing like an epidemic. If we do not check it, within ten years they’ll take our government.” [laughter] Yes, in America one politician. So actually that is happening. In spite of so many obstacles, we are increasing. Our books are selling. They are advancing.

(Evening Darsana — May 12, 1977, Rishikesh)

Prabhupada: “So whatever the cause, but you have no brain. The cause may be so many things. But you have no brain to understand the simple truth. Where is your brain? So this movement is not brainwashing. Brain-giving. You have no brain.” Animal has no brain. They say animal has no soul, but that’s not the fact. Animal has no brain. They cannot understand what is the difference between a dead man and a living man. That is the distinction between man and animal. But if you cannot understand, then where is your brain? On this point. Actually he has no brain. That was the point Arjuna was chastised, that “You rascal, you have no brain. You are lamenting on this body and talking like a very learned man.” The whole world is going on like that. They’re talking like a very big scientist, big philosopher, very big, big, big, but the real thing they do not know. “So where is your brain?” Challenge them like that. “You cannot answer. You are big, big scientist, putting forward ‘by the combination of chemical…’ So why don’t you combine the chemical and give the dead man to become alive? Where is your brain? You simply say ‘combination of chemical,’ but you take the chemicals and combine, then we can understand you have got brain. That you cannot do, falsely taking the prestigious position that you have got brain. Actually you have no brain. Cheating people.” Write articles on this. They have no brain at all. Challenge them, “Where is your brain?” Cannot answer this simple thing. “Where is your brain?” Write a strong letter on this point and try to publish it. “If there is a brain, there is a question of washing or doing something else. But where is your brain? You have no brain.”

(Room Conversation — February 17, 1977, Mayapur)

Prabhupada: Whatever you may have, but you cannot answer the ultimate question. They have got also science, art. A dog can understand that a foreigner is coming, and he begins to bark, “Yow! Yow! Yow!” and the master understands that somebody unknown is coming. You have got that science, you can understand that some unknown person is coming? But a dog can understand. He has got this art. He is better intelligent than you. Everyone has got some particular. That does not mean there is a brain. Brain means to understand the problem of life. That is the brain.

Devotee: But ultimately our intelligence comes from scripture and Krsna.

Prabhupada: No, Apart from scripture, logic, argument come. The scripture we take. That is our business. But you answer on common ground. Where is the difference why there is a dead man and alive? What is your answer? Set aside scripture.

Adi-Kesava: That, they say, is beyond our intelligence.

Prabhupada: That means you are not intelligent. That is the proof. “Beyond your intelligence” — that means your intelligence is not yet perfect. You’re lacking in the brain.

(Room Conversation — February 17, 1977, Mayapur)

Svarüpa Dämodara: Actually we were joking that now they are accusing us that we are brainwashing; now when we go out we will brainwash them [laughs]… Prabhupada: Brainwashing for their good. If Krsna was present, instead of brainwashing you would have brain cutting. Paundraka, Paundraka? That Paundraka, who represented as Narayana? Krsna just cut his head. Rascal Narayana. Not only washing but cutting.

(Room Conversation — February 2, 1977, Bhubaneswar)

So these things cannot be understood by ordinary brain. It requires a different brain. That brain is created by devotional service, these finer tissues.

(Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.9.8 — March 21, 1969, Hawaii)

So they accept me as the spiritual master brain because they understand it that “He can explain about God better than me.” Where is the difficulty? These, all my disciples, surrenders unto me because they have found in me a better brain in explaining what is God. Direct perception. There is no question of indirect understanding. It is direct understanding.

(Room Conversation — June 4, 1972, Mexico City)

This is civilization. And when you say the right thing, that human life is meant for understanding God and prepare for the next life — “brainwash.” This is life. To remain like hog, dog, camel, and asses and go on, be engaged in politics and election — “Then you are right.” And if you speak against this mode of civilization — “brainwash.”

(Conversation — January 26, 1977, Jagannatha Puri)

In the British days, there was some quarrel between two Britishers, and one of them complained to the magistrate, and the magistrate inquired, “Who is your witness?” Then one of them said that “Well, there was nobody else. But there was a Pandita. He was worshiping in that bank of the Ganges. So we had some quarrel. He has heard it.”
So he was called. So he stated that “I do not know what they talked, because they were talking in the English language. But I can produce what they talked.” So he produced the whole thing verbatim, that “He talked like this. He talked like this. He talked like this. He talked like this.” Just like a record, tape-record. Just see. Even some hundred years before, the memory was so sharp. Just like a tape recorder, it is recorded. This is mechanical. But by nature, we have got such nice brain…

Just like we remember so many things about our past life. That is recorded. Actually it is recorded. Everything is recorded. How you are getting this television? Because it is recorded in the atmosphere. It is being simply transferred. Everything is recorded. But we have deteriorated in our even physical condition that we cannot produce the recorded version.
So we are making ourself dull, duller, dullest. Just like Sir George Bernard Shaw, he also stated that “You are what you eat.” So by eating process, we are making our brain dull. So there is need for nice eating, nice talking, nice thinking, nice behavior. Then our brain is sharp. It requires training.

(Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.4.25 — June 20, 1968, Montreal)

Pradyumna: They will say, “Yes, you are washing the brain.”

Prabhupada: Washing is required because you have no brain. Instead of brain, you have got some stool. So, therefore, it requires washing. Washing is required because you have no brain.

Pradyumna: It is covered by ignorance.

Prabhupada: It is covered by the stool, so it requires washing.

(Room Conversation — February 18, 1977, Mayapur)

This is not a sentimental faith or religion, it is great science. Everyone is changing bodies. Regardless of his so-called faith, the Christians, as well as the Hindus, are changing bodies. This is science. There is a Bengali story. A deaf man used to call his wife. She would reply, “I’m coming!” But, he couldn’t hear her. He would think, “The women’s deaf.” Actually he was deaf but he accused her of being deaf. Similarly, these people are brainwashed and they are accusing us of being brainwashed. This we have to prove. We have real science. This should be preached and proven that Krishna Consciousness is real science and that all others are brainwashed.

(Letter to: Ramesvara — Vrindaban 24 November, 1976)

Prabhupada: Fools. “Therefore you have no brain. It requires to be washed. Your brain is filled up with stools, so we have to wash it. What can be done? Our, this business is washing. We are sweeper on behalf of God, and we are engaged to wash your stool in the brain. That is our business.” [laughter] You can say, “Yes, brainwashing, yes. Because you have got so much stool in your brain, we require to wash it.” Tell like that. “We are engaged by Kåñëa. Because you are satisfied, instead of having a real brain, you have got a stool in the brain. You are so rascal, you are satisfied. But we are seeing it is so obnoxious, hampering your existence. Therefore it is my thankless duty to wash it. You should have thanked me, but you so foolish, you are condemning.”

Adi-Kesava: Because they have stool in their brain…

Prabhupada: Yes. So we have to wash the stool. “Yes, it is brainwash.” Tell them that. This is the truth actually. “You do not know what is the aim of your life. You are claiming ‘human being.’ The dog does not know what is the aim of life. The dog is eating, sleeping, having sex and defense. Your whole education system is based on these four principles. Where is that university which is teaching more than this? You have got technological knowledge. Then what is the purpose? The purpose is how you’ll get good bread. That’s all. Eating. What more? Suppose you have become a very good technologist, good title. But what is the aim? You get a good salary and eating. That’s all. Nothing more than that. Or sleeping, good apartment. Or sex, very nice girl.” “What else you have got by this education? Nothing… Nowhere it is taught that ‘You are eternal. You are suffering in this way.’ Where is that education?”

(Room Conversation with Adi-Kesava Swami — February 19, 1977, Mayapur)


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