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The harmful symptoms of the age of Kali

Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.16.21


arakṣyamāṇāḥ striya urvi bālān
śocasy atho puruṣādair ivārtān
vācaṁ devīṁ brahma-kule kukarmaṇy
abrahmaṇye rāja-kule kulāgryān


arakṣyamāṇāḥ—unprotected; striyaḥ—women; urvi—on the earth; bālān—children; śocasi—you are feeling compassion; atho—as such; puruṣa-ādaiḥ—by Rākṣasas; iva—like that; ārtān—those who are unhappy; vācam—vocabulary; devīm—the goddess; brahma-kule—in the family of the brāhmaṇa; kukarmaṇi—acts against the principles of religion; abrahmaṇye—persons against the brahminical culture; rāja-kule—in the administrative family; kula-agryān—most of all the families (the brāhmaṇas).


Are you feeling compunction for the unhappy women and children who are left forlorn by unscrupulous persons? Or are you unhappy because the goddess of learning is being handled by brāhmaṇas addicted to acts against the principles of religion? Or are you sorry to see that the brāhmaṇas have taken shelter of administrative families that do not respect brahminical culture?


In the age of Kali, the women and the children, along with brāhmaṇas and cows, will be grossly neglected and left unprotected. In this age illicit connection with women will render many women and children uncared for. Circumstantially, the women will try to become independent of the protection of men, and marriage will be performed as a matter of formal agreement between man and woman. In most cases, the children will not be taken care of properly. The brāhmaṇas are traditionally intelligent men, and thus they will be able to pick up modern education to the topmost rank, but as far as moral and religious principles are concerned, they shall be the most fallen. Education and bad character go ill together, but such things will run parallel. The administrative heads as a class will condemn the tenets of Vedic wisdom and will prefer to conduct a so-called secular state, and the so-called educated brāhmaṇas will be purchased by such unscrupulous administrators. Even a philosopher and writer of many books on religious principles may also accept an exalted post in a government which denies all the moral codes of the śāstras. The brāhmaṇas are specifically restricted from accepting such service. But in this age they will not only accept service, but they will do so even if it is of the meanest quality. These are some of the symptoms of the Kali age which are harmful to the general welfare of human society.



Well, nothing in this purport is not unknown to us. 

What were the instructions of Hiranyakasipu to his commanders in order for them to conquer the world – first and most important destroy the brahminical culture and the proper attitude towards cows.

This is happening worldwide. How can you make profit out of everyone? Tell them they (men and women) are all equal and have the right to work and earn money. Destroy the concept of a family by forcing the gender and pedophilia policy, by making the women eager to establish themselves superior and independent from men and by making the men infantile idiots through video games, pornography and social castration.  

Great! And if you add leaders that are spiritually dead you will have a herd of two-legged animals that you can exploit, torture, experiment on and kill. Not only physically, but most importantly – spiritually.

Nowadays, unfortunately the people are not just two legged animals, but mad and cruel two legged animals. If someone is saying the opposite and is presenting that there is something of value in the western “culture” we can show them the “official” statistics (which are in many cases half of the real numbers):

1. Over 150 million animals are killed for food around the world every dayjust on land. That comes out to 56 billion land animals killed per year. Including wild caught and farmed fishes, we get a daily total closer to 3 billion animals killed.

2. Each year, more than 1 billion rabbits and 50 million other animals — including foxes, seals, mink and dogs — are raised on fur farms or trapped in the wild and killed for their pelts.

3. There are 25 million pornographic sites in the world. That’s 12% of all sites. 

4. In the US only the porn pulls in $2,84 billion per year.

5. There are 116,000 searches for “child pornography” every day.    

6. Officially there are at least 14 million prostitutes in the world and the money spent on prostitution worldwide are $186 Billion.

7. The majority of victims of trafficking 24.9 million people were held in forced labor. And 15.4 million were forced into marriage. An estimated 4.8 million people, mainly women and children, were trafficked in the commercial sex trade in 2016. More than 1 million children are victims of commercial sexual exploitation each year.

8. The global recorded music market revenues for 2017 were $17.3 billion. And the lyrics, melody and message is getting more and more dull, cynical and violent.

9. As of 2018, the global movie box office is worth $41.7 billion. When including box office and home entertainment revenue, the global film industry is worth $136 billion as of 2018. Movies that are meant not to educate and spiritualize, but to degrade, divert and exploit.

10. World military spending totaled more than $1.6 trillion in 2015. The U.S. accounted for 37 percent of the total. U.S. military expenditures are roughly the size of the next seven largest military budgets around the world, combined.

And the list can go on and on and on…

There is nothing worthy in present westernize society. Rather it is scary, disgusting, demoniac and contagious.  

Through Srila Prabhupada’s books and mercy we have the rare opportunity to not be part of this hell. It will be stupid if we don’t embrace Prabhupada’s instructions and not try to share them with others.

The only proper and successful action for us is to take Srila Prabhupada’s mission and instructions as our only goal in life and try to spread it to more and more people.

Let us not be two-legged animals, but enthusiastic and faithful Srila Prabhupada’s followers.


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